Sujin’s Resolve: Pursuing Dreams Against Family’s Odds

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 수진은 제주의 푸른 하늘 아래 서있었다. En: Sujin stood under the blue sky of Jeju. Ko: 한가로운 매미 소리가 들려오고, 제주의 특유한 바람이 상쾌하게 그녀의 머릿결을 휘감았다. En: The leisurely sound of cicadas filled the air, and Jeju’s distinctive breeze pleasantly wrapped around her hair. Ko: 그녀는…

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Harvest Moon Tea Ceremony: Embracing Rain’s Unexpected Charm

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: ハルトは秋の京都、清水寺のそばに立っていました。 En: Haru stood beside Kiyomizu Temple in autumn Kyoto. Ja: 彼の周りには赤や黄の紅葉が広がり、美しい景色を作り出しています。 En: Around him, the vibrant reds and yellows of the autumn leaves spread out, creating a beautiful scene. Ja: 今日は中秋の名月のお茶会を計画しています。 En: He was planning a tea gathering for the Harvest Moon festival today. Ja: このイベントは彼の名声を高める絶好の機会です。…

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Love and Discovery Amidst the Coral Reefs

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Kirkkaan sinisen meren syvyydessä, koralliriutan hehkuvalle maailmalle avautui näköala, joka vei melkein hengityksen. En: In the depths of the bright blue sea, a view emerged of the glowing world of the coral reef, one that nearly took one’s breath away. Fi: Auringonsäteet tanssivat veden pinnalla, luoden valoja…

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Summer Romance Under Santorini’s Sunlit Bells

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Η καμπάνα της εκκλησίας χτύπησε απαλά, με το φως του ήλιου να χορεύει πάνω στις λευκές πέτρες της Σαντορίνης. En: The church bell rang softly, with the sunlight dancing on the white stones of Santorini. El: Η Κατερίνα στάθηκε στο προαύλιο, παρατηρώντας τα ζουμερά χρώματα των τελευταίων…

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Unspoken Bonds: A Journey Along the Amalfi Coast

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: L’auto sfrecciava lungo la strada costiera dell’Amalfi. En: The car sped along the Amalfi coast road. It: Il mare era di un blu intenso e il sole splendeva alto nel cielo. En: The sea was a deep blue, and the sun shone high in the sky. It:…

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The Great Sausage Standoff: A Day to Remember at Oktoberfest

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne strahlte über München und tauchte das Oktoberfest in ein warmes Licht. En: The sun shone over Munich, casting a warm light on the Oktoberfest. De: Die Luft war erfüllt von der Musik der Blaskapellen, dem Lachen der Menschen und dem verführerischen Duft von gebratenen Würstchen…

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Reuniting at India Gate: A Journey from Past to Present

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: आसमान पर बादल घिर आए थे, और ताज़ी मिट्टी की खुशबू हवा में फैल रही थी। En: Clouds had gathered in the sky, and the fragrance of fresh earth was spreading through the air. Hi: दिल्ली का इंडिया गेट अपनी पूरी शान से खड़ा था, लोगों की…

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Brewed Dreams: Marta’s Journey to a Thriving Café

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Sota el sol brillant de la Costa Brava, el cafè de la platja estava enmig d’un estiu calorós. En: Under the bright sun of the Costa Brava, the beach café was in the midst of a hot summer. Ca: El cel era d’un blau intens, i l’aire…

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Monsoon Mysteries: Narin and Mali’s Coral Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: นรินทร์และมะลีนั่งอยู่ใต้ต้นมะพร้าวริมชายหาด พวกเขามองดูท้องฟ้าที่เริ่มกลายเป็นสีเทา โดยหวังว่าฝนจะไม่ตกหนัก En: Narin and Mali sat under a coconut tree by the beach, gazing at the sky that was turning gray, hoping that the rain wouldn’t fall too heavily. Th: พวกเขามาที่หมู่เกาะพีพีเพื่อศึกษาชีววิทยาทางทะเล แต่ฝนในฤดูมรสุมอาจทำให้กิจกรรมทั้งหมดต้องยกเลิก En: They came to the Phi Phi Islands to study marine biology, but…

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Dive into Laughter: Sven’s Underwater Dance Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Onder de stralende zon van de zuidelijke lente zwom Sven enthousiast door het koraalrif. En: Under the radiant sun of the southern spring, Sven swam enthusiastically through the coral reef. Nl: Het rif was een levendig kleurenpalet, met vissen die om hem heen dartelden. En: The reef…

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