Navigating Dreams: Carmen and Diego’s Journey Under the Sun

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol de otoño brilla suavemente sobre la playa de La Concha. En: The autumn sun softly shines over La Concha beach. Es: Las olas acarician la orilla, mientras los turistas disfrutan los últimos momentos de calor. En: The waves gently caress the shore while tourists enjoy…

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Moonlit Masterpieces: An Unforgettable Sandcastle Saga

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Pod svetlom mesiaca bolo more tiché a pláž zvláštne očarujúca. En: Under the moonlight, the sea was silent, and the beach was strangely enchanting. Sk: Marek a Lucia stáli na chladnom piesku, ich oči zamerané na monumentálne dielo z piesku. En: Marek and Lucia stood on the…

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Finding Peace: A Sibling’s Journey Through Grandma’s Last Wish

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De hemel was bedekt met donkere wolken en een lichte regen viel op het bladerdek van de Hoge Veluwe. En: The sky was covered with dark clouds and a light rain fell on the canopy of Hoge Veluwe. Nl: Sanne, Bram en Jeroen liepen stil langs het…

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Seaside Triumph: Eymen’s Journey to Confidence

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Ay ışığı dalgaların üzerine düşerken, sakin bir kumsal, Eymen, Aslı ve Cem’i bekliyordu. En: As the moonlight fell upon the waves, a tranquil beach awaited Eymen, Aslı, and Cem. Tr: Sonbaharın serin rüzgarı yüzlerini okşuyordu. En: The cool breeze of autumn gently caressed their faces. Tr: Okul…

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Harmony in the Storm: Love and Music in Lviv

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Львівська ратуша у цей осінній день стояла в своєму величезному обрамленні, як завжди. En: The Lviv Town Hall stood in its grand frame on this autumn day, as always. Uk: Небо було сірим, хмари нависли низько, наче готувалися до вистави. En: The sky was gray, with clouds…

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Moonlit Quests: Capturing Festival Magic in Phu Quoc

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Dưới ánh trăng dịu dàng của Biển Mặt Trăng, Phú Quốc, Mai và Linh chuẩn bị cho một đêm đặc biệt. En: Under the gentle moonlight of Moon Beach in Phu Quoc, Mai and Linh were preparing for a special night. Vi: Không khí lễ hội Trung…

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A Garden Melody: Love, Loss, and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Mikkel sad på en bænk i Kongens Have i København. En: Mikkel sat on a bench in the King’s Garden in Copenhagen. Da: Det var efterår, og bladene var røde og gyldne. En: It was autumn, and the leaves were red and golden. Da: De faldt stille…

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Balance the Deadline: Radu’s Café Wake-Up Call

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Radu se așeză la o masă mică din colțul cafenelei cozy din Sighișoara. En: Radu sat down at a small table in the corner of the cozy café in Sighișoara. Ro: Aerul rece de toamnă pătrundea ușor prin ușă de fiecare dată când cineva intra sau ieșea.…

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Siblings Reunited: A Heartfelt Reunion in Barcelona’s Park Güell

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol de finals d’estiu brillava intensament sobre el Parc Güell. En: The late summer sun shone brightly over Park Güell. Ca: Les ombres dels arbres ballaven a terra mentre els visitants passejaven per les senderes ornades. En: The shadows of the trees danced on the ground…

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A Family’s Unplanned Journey to Togetherness

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V megli zgodnjega jesenskega jutra, ko so prvi hladni vetrovi začeli barvati listje v odtenke oranžne in rdeče, je družina Mateja, Jure in njuna hči Neža prispela v Bled. En: In the calm of an early autumn morning, as the first chilly winds began to paint the…

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