Harmony in the Alps: A Sibling Journey to Rediscover Peace

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: L’air dans les Alpes françaises était frais et pur. En: The air in the French Alps was fresh and pure. Fr: Le ciel était d’un bleu éclatant, et les feuilles des arbres brillaient d’or et d’ambre. En: The sky was a brilliant blue, and the leaves on…

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Discovering Heritage: A Lantern Lit Journey in Hue

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Lan và Minh đi bộ qua những cổng lớn của Kinh thành Huế. En: Lan and Minh walked through the grand gates of the Imperial City of Hue. Vi: Ánh nắng thu chiếu nhẹ nhàng lên từng viên gạch. En: The autumn sunlight gently illuminated each brick.…

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Embracing Change: A Teacher’s Journey to Authentic Innovation

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Kai medžiai pradėjo dengtis auksinėmis ir raudonomis lapų spalvomis, Liutauras ir Edita išvyko į dvasinį užutekį miško gilumoje. En: As the trees began to cloak themselves in golden and red hues, Liutauras and Edita ventured into a spiritual retreat deep within the forest. Lt: Šis užutekis atrodė…

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Finding Clarity in the Swedish Archipelago’s Serenity

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en krispig höstmorgon i den svenska skärgården. En: It was a crisp autumn morning in the Swedish archipelago. Sv: Vinden lekte med de gyllene löven och sjöar av stillhet omfamnade ön. En: The wind played with the golden leaves, and lakes of stillness embraced the…

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Mystical Echoes: Unraveling Lapland’s Forest Enigma

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Lapin metsän keskellä, missä värikäs syksyn lehtikatos sädehti auringonlaskun valossa, Aino mietti. En: In the middle of the forest in Lapland, where the colorful autumn foliage glistened in the sunset light, Aino pondered. Fi: Hän oli juuri aloittanut henkisen retreatn Viivin johdolla. En: She had just begun…

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Finding Clarity in Cederberg’s Stormy Embrace

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: In die hart van die Cederbergberge, tussen die pragtige veldblomme en ou rotstekeninge, was Arno op ’n spirituele toevlugsoord. En: In the heart of the Cederberg Mountains, amidst the beautiful wildflowers and ancient rock paintings, Arno was on a spiritual retreat. Af: Die lente het die landskap…

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Finding Clarity in Montserrat: A Retreat to Inner Peace

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: La boira cobria les muntanyes de Montserrat. En: The fog covered the mountains of Montserrat. Ca: Era bella, misteriosa. En: It was beautiful, mysterious. Ca: Entre les fulles caigudes dels arbres, el so suau del vent creava una melodia tranquil·la. En: Among the fallen leaves of the…

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Finding Clarity in the Carpathians: A Soulful Quest

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Aerul rece de toamnă se simțea clar în apropierea Mănăstirii Sâmbăta de Sus. En: The chilly autumn air was palpable near Sâmbăta de Sus Monastery. Ro: Frunzele roșii și aurii tapetau potecile ce duceau spre clădirile vechi ascunse între munții Carpați. En: Red and golden leaves lined…

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Finding Balance: A Journey to Spiritual Clarity in Peru

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El aire fresco de la mañana envolvía el pequeño pueblo de montaña en Perú. En: The fresh morning air enveloped the small mountain village in Peru. Es: La primavera estaba en pleno esplendor, llenando el lugar de flores coloridas y aromas dulces. En: Spring was in full…

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Connections at Sigulda Castle: A New Friendship Blossoms

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Siguldas pils drēgnajā rītā glabāja gadsimtiem iemītās tā izsmalcinātības un pagājuma auru. En: On a damp morning, Sigulda Castle preserved the aura of sophistication and history imbued over centuries. Lv: Pils kāpņu pakājē stāvēja Janis, vērojot kā rīta migla izzūd virs apkārtnes. En: At the base of…

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