Nature’s Hug: Owain’s Journey to Inner Peace and Recovery

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Wrth i’r gwynt taro ar draws y llenni cochion a melyn, Owain teimlai gynnwrf y dydd o’i flaen. En: As the wind swept across the red and yellow curtains, Owain felt the excitement of the day ahead of him. Cy: Roedd yr awyrgylch yn y Brecon Beacons…

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Unveiling Secrets: A Transformative Retreat in Danish Woods

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: På en stille sensommeraften i det danske landskab, hvor skoven møder åbne marker, står en lille gruppe foran en smuk, gammel bygning. En: On a quiet late summer evening in the Danish countryside, where the forest meets open fields, a small group stands in front of a…

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From Doubt to Inspiration: A Journey in Tara’s Wilderness

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Негде у густој шуми Националног парка Тара, где се меке зраке касног летњег сунца пробијају кроз гребен високих стабала, налази се духовно уточиште. En: Somewhere in the dense forest of Tara National Park, where the soft rays of the late summer sun seep through the ridge of…

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Finding Healing in the Tatra’s Autumn Embrace

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Tatry w jesieni są wyjątkowe. En: The Tatra Mountains in autumn are extraordinary. Pl: Kolory liści migoczą w słońcu, tworząc obraz jak z marzeń. En: The colors of the leaves shimmer in the sun, creating a picture straight out of dreams. Pl: Jakub i Marta przyjechali na…

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Chasing Dreams: Jiho’s Journey of Self-Discovery in Jeju

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 제주의 가을은 아름다웠다. En: Autumn in Jeju was beautiful. Ko: 하늘은 높고 파랗고, 바람은 선선했다. En: The sky was high and blue, and the breeze was cool. Ko: 고등학교 마지막 학년인 지호와 민서는 학교에서 마련한 제주도의 영적 수련회에 참가했다. En: Jiho and Minseo, in their final year…

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Souvenirs of the Soul: A Journey of Trust and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Klaus und Ingrid gingen entlang eines schmalen Waldweges. En: Klaus and Ingrid walked along a narrow forest path. De: Der Himmel war klar, und die Sonne schien sanft durch die Blätter. En: The sky was clear, and the sun gently shone through the leaves. De: Die Luft…

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The Missing Manuscript: Secrets of the Rila Monastery

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Върховете на планината Рила бяха обагрени в златисти и червени цветове. En: The peaks of the Rila Mountains were painted in golden and red hues. Bg: Есенният вятър леко шепнеше сред дърветата около Рилския манастир. En: The autumn wind softly whispered through the trees around the Rila…

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Silent Pathways: A Retreat to Rediscover Connection

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Jakub stáhl kapuci přes hlavu a povzdechl si. En: Jakub pulled the hood over his head and sighed. Cs: Stáli na okraji tichého lesa, kde zlaté listy lehce tančily ve větru. En: They stood at the edge of a quiet forest where golden leaves lightly danced in…

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When Time Stopped: Unveiling Mysteries at an Autumn Retreat

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In een rustig hoekje van het platteland, omringd door de warme gouden en rode tinten van de herfst, lag een spirituele retraite. En: In a quiet corner of the countryside, surrounded by the warm golden and red hues of autumn, lay a spiritual retreat. Nl: De houten…

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Discovering Heritage: A Lantern Lit Journey in Hue

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Lan và Minh đi bộ qua những cổng lớn của Kinh thành Huế. En: Lan and Minh walked through the grand gates of the Imperial City of Hue. Vi: Ánh nắng thu chiếu nhẹ nhàng lên từng viên gạch. En: The autumn sunlight gently illuminated each brick.…

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