A Diver’s Dilemma: Respecting Legends Beneath the Waves

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Václav měl rád moře. En: Václav loved the sea. Cs: Byl biolog z Česka a byl známý svou láskou k podmořskému světu. En: He was a biologist from the Czech Republic and was known for his passion for the underwater world. Cs: Přátelský Václav často trávil hodiny…

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Patience on the Path: A Recovery Journey at Lake Bled

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Matej je sedel na klopci ob Blejskem jezeru. En: Matej sat on a bench by Lake Bled. Sl: Jesenski listi so padali z dreves, okoli njega so bila rdeča in oranžna. En: Autumn leaves were falling from the trees, red and orange surrounding him. Sl: Voda v…

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Balancing Act: A Student’s Retail Adventure in Southern Spring

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Marek i Zofia maszerowali przez tętniący życiem Coral Reef Mall. En: Marek and Zofia were walking through the bustling Coral Reef Mall. Pl: To był gorący wiosenny dzień na południowej półkuli. En: It was a hot spring day in the southern hemisphere. Pl: Marek, student z Polski,…

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Rekindling Artistry: A Chance Encounter in Madrid’s Plaza Mayor

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol de finales de verano brillaba intensamente sobre la Plaza Mayor de Madrid. En: The late summer sun shone brightly over Madrid’s Plaza Mayor. Es: Era un día perfecto para pasear entre los puestos del mercado al aire libre. En: It was a perfect day to…

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Courage Under Scalpel: A Surgeon’s First Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Šeštadienio rytą, kai Kuršių nerijos pušys švelniai šnarėjo vėjo gūsiuose, saulės šviesa žaidė auksiniais lapais. En: On Saturday morning, as the pines of the Curonian Spit gently rustled in the gusts of wind, sunlight played among the golden leaves. Lt: Dainius, jaunas gydytojas, apžiūrėjo horizonte besidriekiančią jūrą.…

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Overcoming Fears: Emil’s Journey Underwater

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Emil stod på stranden vid Kontiki Beach och tittade ut över de klarblå vattnen. En: Emil stood on the beach at Kontiki Beach and gazed out over the clear blue waters. Sv: Solen sken varmt, och vågorna rullade mjukt in mot den gyllene sanden. En: The sun…

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Surfer’s New Dawn: Embracing Waves with Inner Strength

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Kad dzeltens un sārts lapas, vējš traucas garām, Baltijas jūra viļņo, un Jūrmalas pludmalē valda miers. En: When the leaves are yellow and pink, the wind rushes by, the Baltic Sea rolls with waves, and peace reigns on the Jurmala beach. Lv: Māris sēž uz smiltīm, skatās…

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Blending Time: Kalemegdan’s Festival of Past and Future

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Калемегданска тврђава била је обасјана златним сунчевим зрацима ране јесени. En: The Kalemegdan Fortress was bathed in the golden rays of the early autumn sun. Sr: Лишће је шарено преливало боје бакра и злата, стварајући савршену позадину за припрему културног фестивала. En: The leaves shimmered in hues…

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Facing Fears: A Virtual Adventure at Cliffs of Moher

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí dath órga an fhómhair ag dul ar na hAillte Mhóire. En: The Cliffs of Moher were turning the golden color of autumn. Ga: Thíos fúthu, bhí an fharraige ag lonrú faoin ngrian trathnóna. En: Below them, the sea shimmered under the evening sun. Ga: Bhí Siobhán…

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Heritage in Harmony: Rekindling Culture Through Art

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Tallinna vanalinna väljak oli täis elu. En: The square in Tallinn’s Old Town was full of life. Et: Sügisele kohaselt kandsid putkad kuldseid lehti. En: True to autumn, the stalls were adorned with golden leaves. Et: Seal müüdi käsitööd ja kohalikku toitu. En: Handicrafts and local foods…

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