Last Summer Hurrah: Coastal Adventures Await Elin & Jakob

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en varm augusti eftermiddag i Stockholm. En: It was a warm August afternoon in Stockholm. Sv: Elin satt vid en av de små borden på kaffebränneriet. En: Elin sat at one of the small tables in the coffee roastery. Sv: Här doftade det alltid av…

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Hidden Secrets in Amsterdam’s Old Coffee Roastery

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De zon scheen door de wolken, reflecterend op de glinsterende grachten van Amsterdam. En: The sun shone through the clouds, reflecting on the shimmering canals of Amsterdam. Nl: Het was een rustige herfstdag in de oude koffiebranderij aan de Prinsengracht. En: It was a quiet autumn day…

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From Silence to Poetry: A Day That Changed Kert’s Life

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Sügisest hommikut algas Tallinnas, kui päike piilus suurte akende vahelt kohvikuröstija ruumi. En: The autumn morning began in Tallinn as the sun peeked through the large windows of the coffee roaster’s room. Et: Õhku täitis kohvivilkude röstimise rikkalik aroom, mis segunes pehme jutusuminaga. En: The air was…

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Carpathian Dreams: A Journey to Transform Life and Brew

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Олександр стояв біля вікна кав’ярні, вдивляючись у барвисті осінні гори. En: Oleksandr stood by the window of the café, gazing at the colorful autumn mountains. Uk: Усередині приміщення панував тепло-кавовий аромат свіжоспечених зерен. En: Inside, the space was filled with a warm coffee aroma from freshly brewed…

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Siblings Brew Harmony Over Coffee in Sofia’s Cozy Café

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Есенният вятър нежно шепнеше през улиците на София, докато Борислав и неговата сестра Виолета влизаха в малка, уютна кафе пекарна. En: The autumn wind gently whispered through the streets of Sofia as Borislav and his sister Violeta entered a small, cozy coffee shop. Bg: Ароматите на прясно…

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Lanterns and Dreams: Bao’s Journey to Self-Care and Art

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trời Hà Nội vào thu, không khí mát mẻ xen lẫn mùi hương nồng nàn của hạt cà phê rang. En: Hanoi’s autumn brings a cool breeze mixed with the rich aroma of roasted coffee beans. Vi: Quán cà phê nằm sâu trong con ngõ nhỏ, đèn…

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Overcoming Fear: A Warm Tale of Friendship in Krakow

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W Krakowie, w pachnącej palarni kawy, jesień za oknami przybierała nowe kolory. En: In Krakow, in a fragrant coffee roastery, autumn outside the windows was taking on new colors. Pl: Liście wirowały w powietrzu, malując miasto ciepłymi odcieniami pomarańczu i czerwieni. En: Leaves swirled in the air,…

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Mystery Brews: Unlocking Secrets in a Yogyakarta Roastery

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah bau harum kopi yang baru saja dipanggang, Rina berdiri di belakang meja barista, tangannya lincah meracik minuman untuk pelanggan. En: Amidst the fragrant aroma of freshly roasted coffee, Rina stood behind the barista’s counter, her hands skillfully crafting drinks for customers. Id: Matahari siang menerobos…

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A Sip of Memories: Discovering Zagreb’s Hidden Coffee Gem

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Jesenje sunce lagano je padalo kroz velike prozore, osvjetljavajući rusticne, drvene pultove male pržionice kave u srcu Zagreba. En: The autumn sun gently filtered through the large windows, illuminating the rustic wooden counters of the small coffee roastery in the heart of Zagreb. Hr: Ugodni mirisi kave…

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Sips of Change: How Coffee Brewed Dreams in Roman Autumn

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Nel cuore dell’autunno romano, un profumo goloso riempiva l’aria della torrefazione di caffè. En: In the heart of the Roman autumn, a delicious aroma filled the air of the coffee roastery. It: I raggi del sole filtravano attraverso le alte finestre, baciando i tavoli di legno rustici…

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