Brewed Friendships: An Autumn Morning Unfolds at High School

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: En morgen i tidlig høst, drysset med dugg og gulnede blader, begynte Sondre sin første skoledag på den lokale videregående skolen. En: One early autumn morning, sprinkled with dew and yellowing leaves, Sondre began his first day at the local high school. Nb: I tankene sine overtenkte…

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Brewing Triumph: A Barista’s Journey Beyond Aroma

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die sonskyn van die lente het die lug gevul oor die besige stad, en die geur van vars geroosterde koffie het uit die koffiebraaiplek gemaal. En: The spring sunshine filled the sky over the bustling city, and the aroma of freshly roasted coffee wafted from the coffee…

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From Pixels to Reality: Freja and Mikkel’s Coffee Date

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Freja åbnede døren til Kafferisteriet og blev straks mødt af duften af friskristede kaffebønner. En: Freja opened the door to the Coffee Roastery and was immediately greeted by the aroma of freshly roasted coffee beans. Da: Det var efterår, og rummet var dekoreret med varme farver og…

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Finding Adventure: A Morning That Changed Everything

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Ar mhaidin fuair, bhí aroma blasta na caife ag líonadh an aer i One Day Coffee Roastery i mBaile Átha Cliath. En: On a fresh morning, the delicious aroma of coffee filled the air at One Day Coffee Roastery in Dublin. Ga: Bhí an duilliúr óir ag…

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Catalonian Coffee Dreams: A Journey of Passion and Brew

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol de tardor brillava sobre Barcelona, i l’aire estava ple de l’aroma càlida del cafè. En: The autumn sun shone over Barcelona, and the air was filled with the warm aroma of coffee. Ca: Era La Diada, i la ciutat estava viva de vida i colors.…

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Coffee Connections: An Unexpected Declaration of Feelings

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Kafijas grauzdētava bija Anetes otrās mājas. En: The coffee roastery was like a second home for Anete. Lv: Siltā rudens gaisma lija cauri lielajiem logiem, izgaismojot koka galdiņus, kas spīdēja kafijas eļļas mirdzošajās pēdās. En: The warm autumn light poured through the large windows, illuminating the wooden…

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Balancing Dreams and Roots: A Bogotá Family’s Decision

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol de primavera brillaba intensamente sobre Bogotá, reflejándose en las grandes ventanas del tostadero de café. En: The spring sun shone brightly over Bogotá, reflecting off the large windows of the coffee roastery. Es: Allí, el ambiente era cálido y acogedor. En: Inside, the atmosphere was…

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Autumn’s Brew: Discovering the Magic of Risk and Flavor

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: L’odeur du café fraîchement torréfié flottait dans l’air de la brûlerie de café. En: The smell of freshly roasted coffee floated in the air of the coffee roastery. Fr: L’endroit était chaleureux, avec ses poutres en bois rustique et des sacs de jute remplis de grains. En:…

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Chaos and Caffeine: A Parrot’s Adventure at the Café

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Στην καρδιά της Αθήνας, εκεί που ο αέρας ανακατεύεται με το άρωμα του φρεσκοκομμένου καφέ, βρισκόταν ένα μικρό, γοητευτικό καφεκοπτείο. En: In the heart of Athens, where the air mingles with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, there was a small, charming coffee shop. El: Ο Άδωνις,…

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Last Summer Hurrah: Coastal Adventures Await Elin & Jakob

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en varm augusti eftermiddag i Stockholm. En: It was a warm August afternoon in Stockholm. Sv: Elin satt vid en av de små borden på kaffebränneriet. En: Elin sat at one of the small tables in the coffee roastery. Sv: Här doftade det alltid av…

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