Reviving a Father’s Legacy: The Heart of a Coffee Roastery

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V zlatem jesenskem soncu, ki se je počasi spuščalo skozi majhno okno na podstrešju, sta Mateja in Luka počasi premikala stare škatle. En: In the golden autumn sun, slowly descending through the small attic window, Mateja and Luka moved the old boxes. Sl: Vonj po praženih kavnih…

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Brewing Bold: A Journey to Coffee Bliss

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนตกหนักในบ่ายวันหนึ่ง พิมเดินเข้ามาในร้านกาแฟที่ชื่อว่าการคั่วกาแฟอนันต์ En: One afternoon, during a heavy rain, Pim walked into a coffee shop called “Infinite Coffee Roasting.” Th: ร้านนี้ตั้งอยู่ในย่านที่วุ่นวายของเมือง แต่ภายในร้านกลับอบอุ่นและน่าหลงใหล En: Located in a bustling part of the city, the shop felt warm and captivating inside. Th: โคมไฟแขวนจากเพดานให้แสงสว่างแก่ร้าน กลิ่นกาแฟหอมฟุ้งทั่วบริเวณทำให้พิมรู้สึกสบายใจ En: Pendant lights hung from the…

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Unlocking the Secret Blend in Bratislava’s Coffee Scene

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Letným popoludním sa slnečné lúče prelínali cez veľké okná pražiarne kávy v Bratislave. En: On a summer afternoon, the sun’s rays streamed through the large windows of a coffee roastery in Bratislava. Sk: Vo vzduchu sa miešal neodolateľný nádych čerstvo praženej kávy. En: The air was filled…

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Autumn’s Return: The Letter That Changed Everything

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Listí se snášelo na zem, barvilo ulice Starého Města do nesčetných odstínů zlaté a červené. En: The leaves were gently falling to the ground, painting the streets of the Old Town in countless shades of gold and red. Cs: Voňavá vůně čerstvé kávy se linula z pražírny,…

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Brews & Blossoms: Love and Coffee in Budapest’s Autumn Air

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Az őszi levegő frissessége átjárta Budapest utcáit, ahogy Ákos és Lilla a kis kávépörkölőhöz sétáltak. En: The freshness of the autumn air swept through the streets of Budapest as Ákos and Lilla walked to the small coffee roastery. Hu: A nap gyengéden sütött le, s a szeptemberi…

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An Autumn Brew: A Tale of Collaboration and Courage

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Dros y dail melyn sy’n cwympo y tu allan, roedd arogl coffi ffres yn llenwi’r roastery yng Nghaerdydd. En: Amidst the yellow leaves falling outside, the aroma of fresh coffee filled the roastery in Cardiff. Cy: Roedd Rhys, gweithiwr ifanc a brwdfrydig, yn treulio ei ddyddiau hydref…

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Balancing Dreams and Duties: Miloš’s Belgrade Awakening

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Киша је тихо падала на улице Београда. En: The rain quietly fell on the streets of Belgrade. Sr: Ваздух је мирисао на јесен и препун јео златно-смеђих тонова лишћа. En: The air smelled of autumn and was filled with golden-brown tones of leaves. Sr: У самом срцу…

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Sunset Beginnings: A Rosh Hashanah Journey in the Negev

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: ריח הקפה המתחזק התפשט בכל חלל הקלייה בירושלים, בעוד אמית, ליאורה ושירה ישבו ליד אחד השולחנות מולם. En: The strengthening aroma of coffee filled the entire roasting space in Jerusalem, while Amit, Liora, and Shira sat by one of the tables in front of them. He: ליאורה…

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A Sip of Joy: Hyunsoo’s Chuseok Coffee Quest

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 창밖에는 나뭇잎이 가을 바람에 사르르 떨어지고 있었다. En: Outside the window, leaves were gently falling in the autumn breeze. Ko: 커피 로스터리 안은 따뜻했다. En: Inside the coffee roastery, it was warm. Ko: 구수한 커피 향이 가득했다. En: The air was filled with the rich aroma of…

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From Aroma to Teamwork: A Coffee Tale in Istanbul

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: İstanbul’un kalabalık semtlerinden birinde, gün, sonbaharın serin nefesiyle başladı. En: In one of Istanbul’s bustling neighborhoods, the day began with the cool breath of autumn. Tr: Mert, kahve kavurma atölyesinde heyecanla doluydu. En: Mert was filled with excitement at his coffee roasting workshop. Tr: Bugün, uzun zamandır…

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