Archive for October 2024
From Anxiety to Adventure: Putri’s Transformative Wedding Day
Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di pagi yang cerah, cahaya matahari menyinari desa Jawa yang asri. En: On a bright morning, the sunlight illuminated the picturesque desa of Jawa. Id: Pemandangan sawah hijau yang membentang dan pohon-pohon kelapa melambai di angin sepoi-sepoi membuat suasana desa tenang dan damai. En: The view of…
Read MoreUnveiling Secrets: The Mysterious Letter at Rundāles Pils
Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rudens saulainais rīts Rundāles pils dārzos izstaroja rudenīgu burvību. En: The autumnal sunny morning in the Rundāles pils gardens radiated autumnal magic. Lv: Saulē dzirkstīja zeltainās lapas, kas čabēja vējā kā maigs šņāciens. En: The golden leaves sparkled in the sun, rustling in the wind like a…
Read MoreFestival Sparks: Aarav’s Unexpected Diwali Friendship
Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: दीवाली का समय था और हर कोई त्योहार की तैयारी में मग्न था। En: It was Diwali time, and everyone was busy preparing for the festival. Hi: आधुनिक उपनगर का दीवाली बाजार अपनी चकाचौंध और रौनक से भरा हुआ था। En: The modern suburb’s Diwali market was…
Read MoreCapturing Love: A Heartfelt Autumn in Pictures
Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 雲が空を覆い、秋の風が冷たく感じられる。 En: Clouds covered the sky, and the autumn wind felt cold. Ja: 町の郊外にある公園は、紅葉の名所として知られている。 En: The park on the outskirts of the town is known as a famous spot for viewing colorful leaves. Ja: この日は、色とりどりの葉が地面を覆い、景色はとても美しい。 En: On this day, leaves of various colors covered the ground, creating…
Read MoreA Springtime Reconnection: Siblings Share More Than Groceries
Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son skyn helder oor die moderne voorstad, waar lenteblomme langs die strate pryk. En: The sun shines brightly over the modern suburb, where spring flowers adorn the streets. Af: Johan skuifel die parkeerterrein by die besige supermark op, sy gedagtes vol planne. En: Johan shuffles up…
Read MoreA Chance Meeting: Brewing Friendship Over Coffee and Books
Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В кафето в модерното предградие беше оживено и приятно. En: The cafe in the modern suburb was lively and pleasant. Bg: Миришеше на прясно сварено кафе и подправки. En: It smelled of freshly brewed coffee and spices. Bg: Външен вятър разхвърляше есенни листа в ярки цветове. En:…
Read MoreCandy Chaos to Heartfelt Laughter: Jiho’s Halloween Revelations
Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 가을의 신선한 공기가 가득한 어느 날, 지호는 바쁘게 병원을 나왔다. En: One day when the air was fresh with autumn, Jiho hurriedly left the hospital. Ko: “하필 이렇게 바쁠 때라니,” 지호는 한숨을 쉬며 차에 올라탔다. En: “Of all times to be this busy,” Jiho sighed as he…
Read MoreFrom Rainy Setbacks to Brightened Hearts: An Autumn Festival Tale
Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 秋天的空气清新而凉爽,树叶在微风中轻轻摇曳。 En: The autumn air was fresh and cool, and the leaves gently swayed in the breeze. Zh: 郊区的社区里,人们正在准备一年一度的秋季节日。 En: In the suburban community, people were preparing for the annual autumn festival. Zh: 当灯笼在中心公园的树枝上摇曳时,整个社区充满了节日的气氛。 En: As lanterns swayed on the branches of the central park,…
Read MoreUnveiling the Enigmatic Autumn Box: A Tale of Mystery and Art
Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rudens vējš spēlējās ar lapām, kas krita no kokiem kā zelta konfeti. En: The autumn wind played with the leaves falling from the trees like golden confetti. Lv: Anita vēroja dzeltenās un oranžās lapas no savas mājas verandas. En: Anita watched the yellow and orange leaves from…
Read MoreFira del Llibre: Where Books Spark New Beginnings
Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Barcelona estava plena de vida amb la Fira del Llibre, un autèntic espectacle de colors i veus. En: Barcelona was full of life with the Fira del Llibre, a true spectacle of colors and voices. Ca: L’aire fresc de tardor feia ballar les fulles dels arbres mentre…
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