Artful Encounters: Behind the Teapots of Paris

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Dans un petit coin de Paris, il y a un salon de thé appelé “Le Temps des Thés.” En: In a small corner of @fr{Paris}, there is a tea room called “@fr{Le Temps des Thés}.” Fr: Les murs sont ornés de théières anciennes, enrobés par l’arôme de…

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Family Ties and Dreams: Navigating Tradition and Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V Zlati Lipi je zavel topel vonj po sveže mleti kavi in cimetu. En: In the @sl{Zlata Lipa}, a warm aroma of freshly ground coffee and cinnamon wafted through the air. Sl: Mateja in Bojan sta sedela za majhno okroglo mizo ob oknu. En: @sl{Mateja} and @sl{Bojan}…

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Siblings’ Heartfelt Dilemma on a Barcelona Autumn Day

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Un vent fresc d’octubre va remoure les fulles grogues de la Rambla, mentre els tres germans entraven al petit cafè del Barri Gòtic. En: A fresh October breeze stirred the yellow leaves on @ca{la Rambla}, as the three siblings entered the little café in the @ca{Barri Gòtic}.…

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Echoes of Friendship: Rekindling Bonds in Roma

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Luca entrò nel piccolo caffè, cercando di scrollarsi di dosso la sensazione di nostalgia. En: @it{Luca} entered the small café, trying to shake off the feeling of nostalgia. It: Il campanello sulla porta suonò dolcemente mentre un accogliente profumo di caffè gli riempì i polmoni. En: The…

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The Hidden Note: A Mid-Autumn Teahouse Mystery Unveiled

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个秋日的早晨,杭州的小茶馆里,空气中弥漫着茶的香气。 En: On an autumn morning in @zh{杭州}, a small teahouse was filled with the fragrance of tea in the air. Zh: 李明是这里的老板,他喜欢在节日时布置一些温馨的装饰。 En: @zh{李明} is the owner here, and he enjoys decorating with some cozy ornaments during festivals. Zh: 今天,茶馆里挂着金色的灯笼,把整个空间照得柔和而温暖。 En: Today, the teahouse…

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Tea, Tears, and Forgiveness: Reconnecting in Rīga’s Old Town

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgā, Vecrīgas bruģētā ielā, stāvēja sena tējas veikals, kurš izstaroja siltumu un omu. En: In @lv{Rīga}, on a cobblestone street in the Old Town, stood an old tea shop that radiated warmth and coziness. Lv: Rudens lapas klāja zemi. En: Autumn leaves covered the ground. Lv: Svecs…

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From Doubt to Dreams: Annelie’s Journey in Stellenbosch

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die reuk van varsgebakte muffins en groentee vul die lug in die klein, knusse teesalon in Stellenbosch. En: The smell of freshly baked muffins and green tea fills the air in the small, cozy tea salon in @af{Stellenbosch}. Af: Die lente het sy kleure na buite gebring,…

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Finding Joy and Friendship Under Hanoi’s Autumn Lanterns

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Linh ngồi lặng lẽ bên cửa sổ của quán trà nhỏ. En: @vi{Linh} sat quietly by the window of the small tea shop. Vi: Hà Nội đang chìm trong không khí lành lạnh của mùa thu, lá vàng bay nhè nhẹ. En: @vi{Hà Nội} was immersed in…

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Unveiling Mysteries: A Treasure Hunt at Ароматни Листа

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В София, един мрачен есенен ден, малък чай-шоп наречен “Ароматни листа” примамваше посетители с топло осветление и ухание на различни чайове. En: In @bg{София}, on a gloomy autumn day, a small tea shop called “@bg{Ароматни листа}” was enticing visitors with warm lighting and the aroma of various…

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Autumn Leaves & Scholarship Dreams: A Tale of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Marin sjedi u malom kafiću u srcu Dubrovnika. En: @hr{Marin} sits in a small café in the heart of @hr{Dubrovnik}. Hr: Prohladni jesenji vjetar donosi šuštanje lišća kroz otvorena vrata. En: A chilly autumn wind brings the rustling of leaves through the open door. Hr: Kafić je…

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