From Doubt to Dreams: Annelie’s Journey in Stellenbosch

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die reuk van varsgebakte muffins en groentee vul die lug in die klein, knusse teesalon in Stellenbosch. En: The smell of freshly baked muffins and green tea fills the air in the small, cozy tea salon in @af{Stellenbosch}. Af: Die lente het sy kleure na buite gebring,…

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Finding Joy and Friendship Under Hanoi’s Autumn Lanterns

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Linh ngồi lặng lẽ bên cửa sổ của quán trà nhỏ. En: @vi{Linh} sat quietly by the window of the small tea shop. Vi: Hà Nội đang chìm trong không khí lành lạnh của mùa thu, lá vàng bay nhè nhẹ. En: @vi{Hà Nội} was immersed in…

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Unveiling Mysteries: A Treasure Hunt at Ароматни Листа

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В София, един мрачен есенен ден, малък чай-шоп наречен “Ароматни листа” примамваше посетители с топло осветление и ухание на различни чайове. En: In @bg{София}, on a gloomy autumn day, a small tea shop called “@bg{Ароматни листа}” was enticing visitors with warm lighting and the aroma of various…

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Discovering the Autumn Magic in a Hidden Prague Teahouse

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Podzimní vítr ševelil v korunách stromů. En: The autumn wind rustled in the treetops. Cs: Listy padaly na zemi jako barevný koberec. En: Leaves fell to the ground like a colorful carpet. Cs: Praha vypadala jako z pohádky. En: @cs{Praha} looked like something out of a fairy…

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Autumn Leaves & Scholarship Dreams: A Tale of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Marin sjedi u malom kafiću u srcu Dubrovnika. En: @hr{Marin} sits in a small café in the heart of @hr{Dubrovnik}. Hr: Prohladni jesenji vjetar donosi šuštanje lišća kroz otvorena vrata. En: A chilly autumn wind brings the rustling of leaves through the open door. Hr: Kafić je…

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Brewed Confidence: Sofie’s Unexpected Meeting Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Det regnede svagt udenfor, da Sofie trådte ind i den lille kaffebar i hjertet af København. En: It was gently raining outside as @da{Sofie} stepped into the small coffee shop in the heart of @da{København}. Da: Luften var fyldt med duften af friskbrygget kaffe og nybagte croissanter.…

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Unveiling Secrets at Café Milagro: A Mexican Mystery Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En un rincón acogedor de la Ciudad de México, el Café Milagro cobra vida con el murmullo de voces y el aroma del café recién hecho. En: In a cozy corner of Ciudad de México, Café Milagro comes alive with the murmur of voices and the aroma…

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Patience in Tango: An Artist’s Journey to Strength

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Vocabulary Words: acogedora : cozy persistente : persistent muletas : crutches serena : serene frunció el ceño : frowned bullicio : hustle and bustle temblando : trembling recalcitrante : reluctantly voluntad : will débil : weak tropezó : stumbled sujetándola : grabbed avergonzada : embarrassed impulso : impulse…

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Virtual Vineyard Vision: A New Take on Tradition

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die koffiehuis in die hartjie van Stellenbosch was vol lewe. En: The koffiehuis in the heart of Stellenbosch was full of life. Af: Die son skyn helder deur die venster en gooi sagte skaduwees oor die tafels. En: The sun shone brightly through the window, casting soft…

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Café Chronicles: Finding Inspiration in Ljubljana’s Heart

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V vročem vrvežu kavarne v srcu Ljubljane, zraven mirno tekoče reke Ljubljanice, je vonj po kavi bil skoraj pomirjujoč. En: In the warm hustle of a café in the heart of Ljubljana, next to the calmly flowing Ljubljanica river, the smell of coffee was almost soothing. Sl:…

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