Unveiling Yonaguni: Mysteries Beneath the Waves

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 秋の柔らかな光が、与那国島の古代遺跡を包んでいました。 En: The gentle autumn light enveloped the ancient ruins of Yonaguni Island. Ja: 水面に漂う霧が、石の構造を神秘的に見せます。 En: Mist drifting on the water surface gave the stone structures a mysterious appearance. Ja: アキラはこの場所の秘密を解き明かしたいと強く願っていました。 En: Akira had a strong desire to unravel the secrets of this place. Ja: 彼の祖父もまた、同じ夢を抱えていました。 En:…

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Raindrops and Resonance: A Journey Through Mỹ Sơn’s Past

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Vào một buổi sáng mùa thu, ba người bạn, Liên, Minh và An, bước vào khu thánh địa Mỹ Sơn. En: On an autumn morning, three friends—Liên, Minh, and An—entered the Mỹ Sơn sanctuary. Vi: Tiết trời mát mẻ, gió thoảng mang theo hương vị của đất…

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Unearth the Past: A Lesson in Collaboration and Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Милан је стојао на нежној тлу древног римског града Гамзиград-Ромулијана. En: Milan stood on the gentle ground of the ancient Roman city of Gamzigrad-Romuliana. Sr: Магла ране јесени обавијала је рушевине, а листови су се претварали у нијансе наранџасте и смеђе. En: The early autumn mist enveloped…

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The Hidden Dynasty: A Rain-soaked Quest for History’s Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: กลางหน้าฝนที่ไม่เคยหยุดตก ท่ามกลางซากปรักหักพังโบราณของอยุธยา อนงค์และสมชายยืนอยู่ท่ามกลางป่าอันหนาทึบ En: In the middle of a never-ending rainy season, amidst the ancient ruins of Ayutthaya, Anong and Somchai stood in a dense forest. Th: น้ำฝนกระหน่ำตกจนน้ำใต้เท้าเริ่มไหลรินเหมือนแม่น้ำ En: The rain poured down, turning the ground beneath their feet into flowing streams. Th: อากาศชื้นเย็นแต่บรรยากาศเต็มไปด้วยความตื่นเต้น En: The air…

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Unlocking Secrets: Ieva and Rūdolfs’ Journey Through Time

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Zelta lapu vējš dejojās ap Cēsu pilsdrupām. En: The golden leaf wind danced around the ruins of Cēsis Castle. Lv: Celskas zeme bija apskauta rudens krāsās, kā Ieva un Rūdolfs ceļoja pa mīļo vecmāmiņas bēniņiem. En: The land of Celska was embraced by the colors of autumn…

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Unearthly Discoveries: Venturing Ancient Welsh Ruins

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Yn nghanol mannau anghofiedig Cymru, lle mae hanes yn gorwedd o dan haenau pridd, roedd adfeilion castell hynafol. En: In the forgotten corners of Wales, where history lies beneath layers of earth, stood the ruins of an ancient castle. Cy: Roedd yno wydrdarth, lle taflai cerrig crumbling…

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Hampi’s Magic: A Photographic Journey of Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: सूरज की किरणें हंपी के प्राचीन खंडहरों को अपने सुनहरे रंग में रंग रही थीं। En: The rays of the sun were painting the ancient ruins of Hampi in their golden hue. Hi: पत्थरों पर बनी intricate नक्काशियां इस सुंदरता को और भी गहरा बना रही थीं।…

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Unveiling Ancestral Truths in the Caves of Heritage

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Onder die helder blou lentehemel, het Nicolaas en sy suster Leandra hul weg gegrond binne die donker, koel grotte van die Wieg van die Mensdom. En: Under the bright blue spring sky, Nicolaas and his sister Leandra made their way into the dark, cool caves of the…

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Discovering Harmony at Bull Hill: Embracing Past and Present

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Tá an ghrian ag dul faoi. En: The sun is setting. Ga: Tá dath órga ag scaipeadh ar an spéir. En: A golden color is spreading across the sky. Ga: Tá Cillian agus Saoirse ag siúl suas cnoc Tarbh. En: Cillian and Saoirse are walking up Bull…

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Emre’s Enlightenment: From Pretend Guide to Ephesus Scholar

Fluent Fiction – Turkish www.FluentFiction.org/Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Ege Denizi’nin serin rüzgarları antik Efes’in taş yollarında dolaşırken, Emre ve Deniz kalabalık bir tur grubuyla birlikte ilerliyordu. En: As the cool winds of the Aegean Sea swept through the stone paths of ancient Ephesus, Emre and Deniz moved along with the bustling tour group. Tr: Havadaki…

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