From Self-Doubt to Success: Lukas’s Artistic Awakening

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Ein sonniger Herbsttag brach an, und der Berliner Stadtpark war voller Leben. En: A sunny autumn day dawned, and the Berlin city park was full of life. De: Bunte Drachen tanzten am Himmel, während die Bäume ihre gelb-roten Blätter fallen ließen. En: Colorful kites danced in the…

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Chuseok Connections: Love and Tradition at Seoul’s Night Market

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울 밤도깨비 야시장에는 언제나 활기가 넘쳤습니다. En: The Seoul Night Goblin Market was always bustling with energy. Ko: 가을 밤, 바람은 시원하고 가볍게 미소를 지으며 사람들의 옷깃을 스쳤습니다. En: On an autumn night, the breeze was cool and lightly brushed against people’s collars with a gentle smile.…

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Race for Friendship: Rowing Adventures in Retiro Park

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En el corazón de Madrid, el Parque del Retiro brillaba con los colores del otoño. En: In the heart of Madrid, the Retiro Park shone with the colors of autumn. Es: Las hojas caían lentamente, creando un manto dorado sobre el agua del lago, donde los botes…

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Catching the Last Train: Mei’s Mid-Autumn Awakening

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 城市的夜晚像一个闪闪发光的梦境。 En: The city at night resembles a sparkling dream. Zh: 街道上挂满了彩色的灯笼,月饼的甜香飘散在空气中。 En: The streets are adorned with colorful lanterns, and the sweet scent of mooncakes wafts through the air. Zh: 人们漫步在城市中心,互相祝福”中秋快乐”。 En: People stroll through the city center, exchanging wishes of “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.”…

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Pearl Pursuit: An Artist’s Treasure Hunt in Barcelona

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol de tardor il·luminava els carrers de Barcelona mentre Oriol i Marta recorrien les parades del mercat d’artesania. En: The autumn sun illuminated the streets of Barcelona as Oriol and Marta roamed the stalls of the craft market. Ca: Les banderoles de les festes de la…

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Capturing Dublin’s Magic: Saoirse’s Journey to Her Winning Shot

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an fómhar i mbarr a réime agus bhí dathanna na nduilleog ag lasadh Temple Bar le draíocht agus áilleacht. En: Autumn was at its peak, and the colors of the leaves were illuminating Temple Bar with magic and beauty. Ga: Bhí Saoirse, grianghrafadóir óg díocasach, ag…

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Art and Rain: Sketches of Connection in Athens’ Garden

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Ακριβώς όταν τα πρώτα φθινοπωρινά φύλλα άφηναν τα δέντρα τους, ένας ξαφνικός ουρανός έριξε την πρώτη του βροχή πάνω από την Εθνικό Κήπο της Αθήνας. En: Just as the first autumn leaves were falling from their trees, a sudden sky unleashed its first rain over the National…

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Art & Adaptation: Weathering the Storm in Tivoli Park

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: V Tivoli parku je bil pozni poletni dan. En: It was a late summer day in Tivoli Park. Sl: Maja je stala ob vhodu v umetniški paviljon. En: Maja stood at the entrance of the art pavilion. Sl: Pogledala je oblake na nebu. En: She looked up…

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Serendipity Blossoms: A Botanical Encounter in Jakarta

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di pagi yang cerah, meskipun sedikit berawan, di Jakarta Botanical Gardens, udara terasa sejuk dan segar. En: On a bright morning, though slightly cloudy, at the Jakarta Botanical Gardens, the air felt cool and fresh. Id: Aroma bunga semerbak memenuhi udara. En: The scent of blooming flowers…

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Unfinished Brilliance: An Exhibition’s Weathered Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Tivoli Gardens glitrede under efterårslysene. En: Tivoli Gardens shimmered under the autumn lights. Da: Bladene dansede i vinden, og farverne skinnede som et kalejdoskop. En: The leaves danced in the wind, and the colors shone like a kaleidoscope. Da: Søren stod midt i det hele med en…

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