Blooming Bonds: A Tale of Friendship and Hope in Seoul

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 한 여름 병원은 사람들로 붐볐다. En: A summer hospital in Seoul was bustling with people. Ko: 밖에는 연꽃이 줄지어 피어 있지만, 병원 안은 냉방이 잘 되어 있었다. En: Outside, lotus flowers were in full bloom, but inside the hospital, it was well air-conditioned. Ko: 병원의 대기실에서…

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From Silence to Celebration: The Art of Teamwork at School

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の暑い日、みんなが汗をかきながら、学校中が夏祭りの準備に忙しく動いていました。 En: On a hot summer day, everyone was busy, sweating, as they prepared for the summer festival at school. Ja: 教室には色とりどりの飾りがあり、児童たちは自分のアイデアを形にしようとワクワクしていました。 En: The classrooms were decorated colorfully, and the students were excited to bring their ideas to life. Ja: 直樹はいつもと同じ座席に座っていました。 En: Naoki was sitting in his…

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Balancing Traditions and Dreams: A Tet Market Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Chợ Tết đang nhộn nhịp và sôi nổi. En: The Tet market is bustling and lively. Vi: Mọi người đi lại tấp nập giữa những gian hàng đầy màu sắc. En: People are busily moving among the colorful stalls. Vi: Anh và Binh bước vào giữa dòng…

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A Bridge of Empathy: How Small Gestures Heal Big Hearts

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol d’estiu es filtrava per les finestres grans de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. En: The summer sun filtered through the large windows of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Ca: El bullici habitual omplia els passadissos, on pacients caminaven…

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Vedran’s Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Vedro ljeto obasjalo je bolničko dvorište, a miris mora lagano se miješao s mirisom sredstva za dezinfekciju. En: The bright summer sun lit up the hospital courtyard, and the smell of the sea subtly mingled with the scent of disinfectant. Hr: Vedran i Petra ušli su u…

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Trakai Detour: Embracing the Unexpected Journey

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Trakų salos pilis ramiai stovėjo ežero viduryje, švelniai atspindėdama vėlyvos vasaros saulės spindulius ant veidrodinio vandens paviršiaus. En: The Trakai Island Castle stood peacefully in the middle of the lake, gently reflecting the late summer sun’s rays on the mirror-like water surface. Lt: Dovydas, Ruta ir Karolis…

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Sunlit Hope: Navigating Fears in Stockholm’s Late Summer

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solen sken starkt över Stockholm. En: The sun shone brightly over Stockholm. Sv: Det var en av de där sista sommardagarna, när man kunde känna att hösten snart skulle smyga sig på. En: It was one of those last summer days when you could feel that autumn…

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Healing Conversations: The Power of Family and Memories

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Martti istui sairaalan aulassa, katsoen hiljaa ikkunasta ulos. En: Martti sat in the hospital lobby, quietly gazing out the window. Fi: Kesäaurinko paistoi kirkkaasti, valaisten vihreän maiseman. En: The summer sun shone brightly, illuminating the green landscape. Fi: Hän tunsi sydämessään painon, joka oli kasvanut liian suureksi…

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A Case of Mistaken Identity: Marcel’s Hospital Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Letni dzień w szpitalu trwał w najlepsze. En: A summer day at the hospital was in full swing. Pl: Słońce świeciło przez otwarte okna, a powietrze pachniało mieszanką środków dezynfekujących i świeżej letniej bryzy. En: The sun shone through the open windows, and the air smelled like…

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The Disappearing Patient: A Nurse’s Quest for Truth

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: În mijlocul unei veri calde, spitalul din oraș era liniștit. En: In the midst of a hot summer, the city hospital was quiet. Ro: Pe coridoare, lumina soarelui intra timid, reflectată de ferestrele mari. En: In the corridors, sunlight timidly entered, reflected by the large windows. Ro:…

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