Courage Under Sterile Lights: Annelie’s Path to Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die winterlug buite was koud en skrams, maar binne die mure van die hospitaal was dit warm en lewendig. En: The winter air outside was cold and brisk, but inside the hospital walls, it was warm and lively. Af: Annelie, ‘n ywerige student met droom van ‘n…

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Balance First: Mateja’s Journey to Wellness and Perseverance

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi velika okna Ljubljanske centralne bolnišnice. En: The sun shone through the large windows of the Ljubljana Central Hospital. Sl: Poletni žarki so osvetljevali čakalnico in risali svetle proge na sivih sedežih. En: The summer rays illuminated the waiting room, drawing bright lines on…

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An Unplanned Critique: Étienne’s Humbling Cafeteria Fiasco

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Dans un coin animé de l’hôpital, la cafétéria était en effervescence en ce jour d’été. En: In a bustling corner of the hospital, the cafeteria was buzzing on this summer day. Fr: L’air était chargé de l’arôme du café frais et des viennoiseries, tandis que des plateaux…

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Rakhi in the Hospital: A Tale of Hope and Unity

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: बारिश की बूंदें अस्पताल की खिड़कियों से टपक रही थीं, जब आर्यन और मीरा इंतजार कर रहे थे। En: Raindrops were trickling down the windows of the hospital as Aryan and Meera waited. Hi: अस्पताल के गलियारे में डॉक्टर और नर्सें जल्दी-जल्दी अपनी ड्यूटी कर रहे थे।…

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Unraveling Oslo’s Mystery: A Nurse’s Journey to the Heart

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Sykehuset i Oslo var levende av aktivitet denne sommeren. En: The hospital in Oslo was bustling with activity that summer. Nb: Sollyset strømmet inn gjennom de store vinduene, og kastet et varmt lys over de hvite veggene. En: Sunlight streamed through the large windows, casting a warm…

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Hope Amid Hospital Walls: A Father’s Strength

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Lukáš sedel v rohu pestrej herne Bratislavskej nemocnice. En: Lukáš sat in the corner of the colorful playroom in the Bratislava hospital. Sk: Vonku bolo letné teplé počasie, ale Lukáš cítil iba chladné napätie. En: Outside, the weather was warm and summery, yet Lukáš felt only a…

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Mending Bonds Under Riga’s Summer Sun: A Family’s Renewal

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Vasaras karstās dienās Rīgas Centrālā slimnīca šķita gluži kā skudru pūznis. En: On hot summer days, the Riga Central Hospital felt just like an anthill. Lv: Pacienti nāca un gāja, medicīnas personāls steidzās pa gaiteņiem, un saule, spīdot caur lielajiem logiem, lēja savu siltumu pār marmora grīdām.…

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Balancing Heart and Duty: Oksana’s Emotional Dilemma

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Літній день був спекотним. En: The summer day was scorching. Uk: Сонце сяяло крізь великі вікна лікарні. En: The sun shone through the large hospital windows. Uk: Оксана йшла по коридору з рішучим виглядом. En: Oksana walked down the corridor with a determined look. Uk: Вона була…

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Balancing Rain: A Nurse’s Lesson in Empathy and Efficiency

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฤดูฝนเริ่มทยอยเข้ามาในกรุงเทพ En: The rainy season has started to make its way into Bangkok. Th: โรงพยาบาลกลางเมืองนี้เต็มไปด้วยผู้ป่วย En: The hospital in the heart of the city is crowded with patients. Th: ผู้คนวิ่งหลบละอองฝนเข้าโรงพยาบาล เสียงประกาศรบกวนความเงียบในห้องรอคอย En: People dart through the rain into the hospital, and the announcements disrupt the silence in…

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Against All Odds: An Intern’s Race Through the Hospital Maze

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Yazın sıcak güneşi hastanenin büyük pencerelerinden içeri süzülüyordu. En: The hot summer sun streamed through the large windows of the hospital. Tr: Her yerde koşuşturan beyaz önlüklü insanlar vardı. En: There were people in white coats bustling everywhere. Tr: Bu insanlar arasında Emre de vardı. En: Among…

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