Heartfelt Synergy: AI Revolutionizes Future Surgery

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W środku Warszawskiego Centrum Badawczego, w sercu letniego dnia, Kasia siedziała pochylona nad swoim komputerem. En: Inside the Warsaw Research Center, on a warm summer day, Kasia sat hunched over her computer. Pl: Jej krótko przycięte blond włosy były rzadsze od fali co tydzień, ale jej determinacja…

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Sparks of Innovation: Finding Confidence in Budapest’s Tech Scene

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Budapest, a késő nyár melegénél, éppen technológiai központtá válik. En: Budapest, in the warmth of late summer, is just becoming a technological hub. Hu: A város modern része tele van innovátorokkal és tech-rajongókkal. En: The modern part of the city is filled with innovators and tech enthusiasts.…

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Rekindling Ties: A Summer’s Journey in Brașov

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Într-o vară caldă, Brașovul își purta haina verde a pădurilor și strălucea sub soarele de august. En: In a warm summer, Brașov wore its green cloak of forests and shone under the August sun. Ro: Orașul era aglomerat de turiști, dar încă ascundea colțuri liniștite unde doar…

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Modern Dreams and Family Ties: A Mid-Autumn Reunion

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trời Sài Gòn vào mùa hè rực rỡ ánh nắng. En: The Saigon sky glows brightly under the summer sun. Vi: Trong Khu Công nghệ Cao, tiếng ríu rít của trẻ em hòa cùng âm thanh bóp còi điện tử của robot tạo nên một khung cảnh…

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Courageous Code: Aino’s Daring Pitch in High-Tech City

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Kesäinen päivä valkeni kirkkaana ja lupasi paljon. En: A summer day dawned bright and full of promise. Fi: Aurinko heijastui modernin kaupungin korkeista, lasisista rakennuksista. En: The sun reflected off the tall, glass buildings of the modern city. Fi: Tässä oli High-Tech City, jossa innovaatio hengitti joka…

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Teamwork Triumphs: A Shopping Saga in Kyiv’s Bustling Streets

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Літо у Києві було теплим та плідним. En: The summer in Kyiv was warm and fruitful. Uk: Район Технікум шумів від купи людей. En: The Technikum district buzzed with crowds of people. Uk: Великі будівлі з блискучими рекламними екранами стояли, як вартові, серед зелені парків. En: Large…

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From Berlin to High-Tech City: Lars’s Big AI Leap

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Lars stand am Fenster seines Hotelzimmers in High-Tech City. En: Lars stood at the window of his hotel room in High-Tech City. De: Die Sonne strahlte durch die großen Glasfronten der glänzenden Gebäude. En: The sun shone through the large glass facades of the gleaming buildings. De:…

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A Whirlwind Surprise: Summer Magic at Tivoli Gardens

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Kasper trådte ind i Tivoli Gardens med et bankende hjerte. En: Kasper stepped into Tivoli Gardens with a pounding heart. Da: Sommeren bragte lyse farver og varme dage, og han ønskede, at Mette skulle have den bedste fødselsdag. En: Summer brought bright colors and warm days, and…

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Chips & Chances: Unlikely Bonds Form at Riga Market

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus vasaras vidū ir kā lidojoša zieds ar trauksmainu labvēlību. En: The Riga Central Market in the middle of summer is like a flying flower with an anxious benevolence. Lv: Tirdziņš ir pilns ar cilvēkiem, kas cenšas iegūt visdažādākās preces. En: The market is full of…

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Dolac Discoveries: Finding Connection in a Bustling Market

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Zvuci živahnog Dolca jutrom nalik su simfoniji Zagreba. En: The sounds of a vibrant Dolac in the morning are like a symphony of Zagreb. Hr: Pod šarenim suncobranima, užurbani prodavači nude svježe voće i povrće. En: Under colorful umbrellas, bustling vendors offer fresh fruits and vegetables. Hr:…

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