Innovative Sparks Ignite at Tartu’s Tech Summit

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Suve lõpp Tartus oli täis elu ja põnevust. En: The end of summer in Tartu was full of life and excitement. Et: Tartu Teaduspargis toimus suur tehnoloogiakonverents. En: A major technology conference was taking place at the Tartu Science Park. Et: Kert, noor tarkvara insener, jalutas aeglaselt…

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Émilie’s Leap: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in La Défense

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Sous le ciel bleu de l’été, le quartier de La Défense brillait comme un bijou moderne. En: Under the blue summer sky, the La Défense district gleamed like a modern jewel. Fr: Les gratte-ciel en verre reflétaient la lumière du soleil, créant un spectacle fascinant. En: The…

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Rainy Day Resilience: Navigating Bangkok’s Downpour Dilemma

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนตกห่าใหญ่ปกคลุมทั่วกรุงเทพฯ เส้นทางถนนต่างๆ ทั้งมีรถติดยาวเหยียด En: A heavy rain covered all of Bangkok, causing long traffic jams on various roads. Th: ท่ามกลางบรรยากาศนี้ อรัญนั่งเครียดอยู่ในรถของเขาบนสะพานข้ามแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา En: Amidst this atmosphere, Aran sat stressed in his car on the bridge over the Chao Phraya River. Th: เขามองออกไปนอกหน้าต่าง เห็นสายฝนโปรยปรายลงมา และกระจกหน้ารถมีฝ้าเต็มไปหมด En: He looked out…

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Overcoming Stage Fright: Maarten’s Bold Leap into Public Speaking

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In het hart van Amsterdam, in het mooie Science Museum, was het een levendige zomermiddag. En: In the heart of Amsterdam, at the beautiful Science Museum, it was a lively summer afternoon. Nl: De lucht van nieuwsgierigheid en spanning hing in de ruimte. En: An air of…

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Venice’s Viral Gondolier: A Race of Chaos and Charm

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Le acque di Venezia brillavano sotto il sole estivo. En: The waters of Venice shimmered under the summer sun. It: Era il giorno della grande gara di gondole. En: It was the day of the great gondola race. It: Luca, un giovane gondoliere competitivo, era pronto per…

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The Mystery of the Rivers’ Pin: Family Secrets Unveiled

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Bajo el cielo plomizo de Bariloche, con montañas cubiertas de un manto blanco y el aire fresco de invierno que mordía la piel, Santiago caminaba rápido por el centro de la ciudad. En: Under the leaden skies of Bariloche, with mountains draped in a blanket of white…

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How a Mistyped Email Sparked a Cultural Revolution at Work

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בבוקר קייצי בעיר הייטק מרתיעה ומוזהרת, ישבה יעל במשרדה בגורד השחקים הזכוכיתי. En: On a summer morning in a daunting and warned high-tech city, Yael sat in her glass skyscraper office. He: השמש יוקדת בחוץ ויעל חיפשה קצת קרירות והקלה בעבודה השגרתית. En: The sun blazed outside,…

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Surviving the Augmented Reality: Marek’s Big Day

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Letný deň v Meste Technológií bol plný slnka a vzrušenia. En: A summer day in the City of Technology was filled with sunshine and excitement. Sk: Mladí, starí, rodiny s deťmi – všetci si užívali radosti zábavného mestského parku. En: Young and old, families with children—all were…

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Party Mode Surprise: When Smart Tech Meets Unexpected Fun

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Al cor de la bulliciosa Ciutat Alta Tecnologia, un showroom de neveres intel·ligents brillava com un far de modernitat. En: In the heart of the bustling High-Tech City, a showroom filled with smart fridges shone like a beacon of modernity. Ca: Les làmpades de neó ressaltaven cada…

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Chasing Dreams Under the Qixi Sky: A Family’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个炎热的夏天,繁忙的高科技城市里,两个兄妹,梁和梅,坐在天台上,望着远处闪烁的摩天大楼。 En: On a scorching summer day in a bustling high-tech city, a brother and sister, Liang and Mei, sat on the rooftop, looking out at the shimmering skyscrapers in the distance. Zh: 高科技城市以先进的技术和创新中心闻名,但对于梁和梅,这里更充满了压力和责任。 En: This city, renowned for its advanced technology and innovation hubs,…

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