Niamh’s Journey: Finding Magic and Confidence on the Cliffs

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Ag bun an Aille Mhóire, bhí Niamh. En: At the foot of the Great Cliffs stood Niamh. Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh ar an bhfarraige thíos, agus bhí an ghaoth ag séideadh go bog trína cuid gruaige. En: The sun was shining on the sea below,…

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Rediscovering Strength: Luc’s Journey Through Memory and Fear

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Sous le soleil brûlant de l’été à Marseille, un silence pesant règne autour de l’entrepôt abandonné. En: Under the scorching summer sun of Marseille, a heavy silence surrounds the abandoned warehouse. Fr: Les murs usés par le temps sont recouverts de graffitis colorés. En: The walls, worn…

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From Ruin to Radiance: Finding Treasures in the Storm

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मॉनसून की बारिश लगातार हो रही थी। En: The monsoon rains were pouring continuously. Hi: भारी-भारी बादल आसमान में घिरे थे और अँधेरा जल्दी ही छा गया था। En: Heavy clouds filled the sky and darkness descended quickly. Hi: पुरानी, टूटी-फूटी खिड़कियों वाला एक बेदखल गोदाम एक…

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Raccoons and Revelries: Discovering the Secret Festival

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の日差しが強く照らす中、ヒロシは友達のユキを連れて、町の外れにある古びた倉庫へと向かっていた。 En: Under the blazing summer sun, Hiroshi was making his way to an old warehouse on the outskirts of town, accompanied by his friend Yuki. Ja: 「秘密の祭りがここで開かれるんだ」と、ヒロシは興奮気味に話していた。 En: “A secret festival is being held here,” Hiroshi said excitedly. Ja: 「あの倉庫? En: “That warehouse? Ja: 何もないよ。 En:…

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From Despair to Hope: A Night of Blended Dreams

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die reënbuie klop ritmies op die dak van die verlate pakhuis. En: The rain showers rhythmically tap on the roof of the abandoned warehouse. Af: Binne die gebou het Annelie hard gewerk om ‘n droë skuiling vir die gemeenskap te skep. En: Inside the building, Annelie has…

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Finding Light: Miloš’s Journey Through Anxiety

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Сунце је грејало напуштену складиште у разарајућем летњем дану. En: The sun heated an abandoned warehouse on a scorching summer day. Sr: Светлост је продирала кроз расклимана стакла прозора, правећи дугачке сенке преко прашњавих подова. En: Light pierced through the shaky window panes, casting long shadows across…

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New Blooms and Unexpected Bonds at Amsterdam’s Flower Market

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Anouk liep door de drukke bloemenmarkt in Amsterdam. En: Anouk walked through the bustling flower market in Amsterdam. Nl: De zon scheen fel en de lucht was gevuld met de zoete geur van bloemen. En: The sun shone brightly, and the air was filled with the sweet…

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Warehouse Whispers: A Study, A Crush, and a Summer Storm

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个炎热的夏天,废弃仓库安静地矗立在小镇边缘。 En: On a hot summer day, an abandoned warehouse stood quietly on the edge of the small town. Zh: 仓库里阳光透过破碎的天花板洒下,灰尘在光线中舞动。 En: Inside, sunlight streamed through the broken ceiling, with dust dancing in the light. Zh: 美琳喜欢在这个安静的地方学习,尤其是现在,期中考试临近,她需要专心准备。 En: Meilin liked studying in this quiet place,…

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Lanterns and Clay: A Creative Journey in Hội An’s Glow

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Hội An trong mùa hè, phố cổ tràn ngập ánh sáng lung linh từ những chiếc đèn lồng muôn màu sắc. En: In the summer, Hội An’s ancient town is illuminated by the shimmering light of multicolored lanterns. Vi: Lễ hội đèn lồng là sự kiện đặc…

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Beneath the Bali Sun: A Tale of Friendship and Resilience

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Matahari bersinar terik di pantai Kuta, Bali. En: The sun was shining brightly at Kuta Beach, Bali. Id: Pasir putih terbentang luas, dan angin laut berembus lembut. En: White sand stretched far and wide, and the sea breeze blew gently. Id: Rini, Adi, dan Nurul berjalan menyusuri…

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