The Secret Warehouse Party: A Summer Night of Freedom

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: У старому складі на околиці міста час, здається, зупинився. En: In the old warehouse on the outskirts of the city, time seemed to have stopped. Uk: Колись тут кипіла робота, а зараз він стоїть пусткою. En: Once buzzing with activity, it now stood abandoned. Uk: Запах пилу…

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Survival in the Storm: An Unexpected Bangkok Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนตกหนักเหมือนจะไม่หยุดในกรุงเทพฯ En: The rain poured heavily, seemingly endless, in Bangkok. Th: เสียงหยดน้ำกระทบหลังคาเหล็กทำให้บรรยากาศรอบๆ โกดังทิ้งร้างนั้นเต็มไปด้วยความหวาดระแวง En: The sound of raindrops hitting the metal roof filled the atmosphere around the abandoned warehouse with anxiety. Th: พิมกับอรุณซ่อนตัวอยู่ในโกดังเก่า En: Pim and Arun hid inside the old warehouse. Th: พิมรู้สึกเวียนหัวและทะลายลงกับพื้นอย่างไม่มีสติ En: Pim felt…

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Reviving the Past: Luca’s Ferragosto Art Spectacle

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Nel cuore dell’estate calda di Ferragosto, il sole splendeva forte nel cielo azzurro. En: In the heart of the hot Ferragosto summer, the sun shone brightly in the blue sky. It: Luca e Maria camminavano lentamente verso un vecchio magazzino abbandonato alla periferia della città. En: Luca…

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From Dust to Dreams: Transforming an Abandoned Warehouse

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen skinnede gennem de ødelagte vinduer i det forladte lager. En: The sun shone through the broken windows of the abandoned warehouse. Da: Støv svævede i luften og skabte små lysstriber i rummet. En: Dust floated in the air, creating small beams of light in the room.…

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Dusty Laughter: The Unexpected Adventure in Abandoned Spaces

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Lumina caldă a verii pătrundea prin geamurile sparte ale depozitului părăsit de la marginea orașului. En: The warm summer light streamed through the broken windows of the abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. Ro: Podeaua era acoperită de un strat gros de praf, iar pânzele de…

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Unlocking Creativity: Lukas’ Race Through Abandoned Berlin

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Der warme Sommerwind wehte durch die zerbrochenen Fenster des alten, verlassenen Lagerhauses am Stadtrand von Berlin. En: The warm summer wind blew through the broken windows of the old, abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Berlin. De: Die Sonne warf lange Schatten über den Boden, als Lukas…

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Hidden Machines, Courageous Minds: A School Project Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sončni žarki so previdno sijali skozi razbita okna zapuščene skladiščne stavbe na obrobju mesta. En: The sun’s rays cautiously shone through the broken windows of an abandoned warehouse building on the outskirts of the city. Sl: Prah v zraku je lesketajoče plesal na soncu, ko sta Matej…

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Unveiling Recoleta: Santiago’s Quest for Family Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En el corazón de Buenos Aires, donde las sombras juegan caprichosas entre mausoleos y estatuas antiguas, se esconde el Cementerio de la Recoleta. En: In the heart of Buenos Aires, where shadows play whimsically among mausoleums and ancient statues, the Recoleta Cemetery lies hidden. Es: Allí, el…

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Crafting Dreams: From Doubt to Dazzling Homecoming Success

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solens strålar bröt genom de trasiga fönstren i den övergivna lagerlokalen. En: The sun’s rays broke through the broken windows of the abandoned warehouse. Sv: Dammet dansade i ljuset, skapade en magisk atmosfär. En: Dust danced in the light, creating a magical atmosphere. Sv: Albin stod mitt…

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Antique Insights: Piotr’s Intuitive Leap at the Market

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Promienie letniego słońca przenikały przez wybite okna starego magazynu, oświetlając wirujące cząsteczki kurzu. En: The rays of the summer sun penetrated through the broken windows of the old warehouse, illuminating the swirling dust particles. Pl: Piotr i Ania z trudem przedzierali się przez tłum ludzi, który zgromadził…

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