Crafting the Arctic’s Last Snowman Under the Midnight Sun

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulės spinduliai švytėjo virš Arktinės tundros, lėtai tirpdydami sniego laukus. En: The sun’s rays glimmered over the Arctic tundra, slowly melting the fields of snow. Lt: Vasaros įkarštis nebuvo įprastas šiame atšiauriame krašte. En: The peak of summer was unusual in this harsh land. Lt: Eglė ir…

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Trust and Discovery in the Arctic’s Heart

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: На Ямальській півночі, де горизонти здаються нескінченними, літо приносить короткі дні і довгі сутінки. En: In the Yamal north, where the horizons seem endless, summer brings short days and long twilights. Uk: Тут, серед замерзлої тундри, працювали два вчених: Наталка та Іван. En: Here, among the frozen…

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Braving the Arctic: A Journey of Discovery and Self-Reflection

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghrian sa spéir ar feadh an lá ar fad, a soilsigh na réigiúin thuaidh gan trócaire. En: The sun remained in the sky all day, mercilessly illuminating the northern regions. Ga: Bhí an tsíoraíocht geal seo nádúrtha sa tundra Artach le linn an tsamhraidh, ach…

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Unearthing Secrets: An Archaeologist’s Dilemma

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Καθώς ο ήλιος έπεφτε στον ορίζοντα, οι αχτίδες του φώτιζαν διακριτικά το εσωτερικό της παλιάς αποθήκης. En: As the sun set on the horizon, its rays discreetly illuminated the interior of the old warehouse. El: Το φως περνούσε μέσα από τα σπασμένα παράθυρα και δημιουργούσε ένα ασθενικό,…

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Unlocking Family Secrets: The Quest for Grandmother’s Locket

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Roedd golau’r haf yn fflachio drwy’r ffenestri torwyd yng nghwarel beiddgar warws adfeiliedig. En: The summer light flashed through the shattered windows of the daring quarry of an abandoned warehouse. Cy: Roedd Eira a Celyn yn sefyll wrth y drws mawr rhydlyd, eu calonau yn curo yn…

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Heirloom Rescue: A Courageous Quest in Riga’s Shadows

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas centrā, nolietotā noliktavā, logi bija netīri un putekļaini. En: In the center of Riga, in a rundown warehouse, the windows were dirty and dusty. Lv: Saules stari cauri tiem gāja kā garas ēnas pāri grīdas putekļiem. En: Sunbeams streamed through, casting long shadows across the dusty…

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Warehouse Whispers: Teen Adventures and Fading Fears

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nyár fülledt hősége borította el Debrecent, és a Szent István ünnepe közeledtével különösen izgalmas volt az élet a városban. En: The sultry heat of summer enveloped Debrecen, and with the approaching St. Stephen’s Day, life in the city was particularly exciting. Hu: A diákok pedig a…

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A Summer of Forgiveness and New Beginnings in Tallinn

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Kadrioru pargi pehme suveõhtu oli kui mahe unistus. En: The soft summer evening in Kadriorg Park was like a gentle dream. Et: Päike heitis kuldseid varje, puud õõtsusid õrnalt tuules. En: The sun cast golden shadows, and the trees swayed gently in the breeze. Et: Mihkel jalutas…

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Finding Solace and Strength in the Storm’s Eye

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Badai mendadak melanda sore itu. En: A sudden storm hit that afternoon. Id: Padahal biasanya, saat ini di musim kemarau, langit cerah dan angin sepoi-sepoi. En: Usually, during the dry season, the sky is clear, and a gentle breeze blows. Id: Dewi dan Joko sedang berjalan pulang…

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Unexpected Allies: Adventure and Friendship in Abandoned Spaces

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Teplý letný deň premenil opustený sklad na miesto, kde ticho bolo takmer hmatateľné. En: A warm summer day turned the abandoned warehouse into a place where the silence was almost tangible. Sk: Slnečné lúče prenikali cez rozbité okná a vrhali na popraskanú betónovú podlahu dlhé tiene. En:…

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