Hidden Legends of Amalfi: A Treasure Quest Under the Sun

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Sotto il sole caldo dell’estate, la Costa d’Amalfi splendeva come un gioiello. En: Under the hot summer sun, the Amalfi Coast shone like a jewel. It: I turisti passeggiavano lungo la riva, ma Lorenzo e Bianca erano altrove. En: Tourists strolled along the shore, but Lorenzo and…

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Lost & Found: A Heartfelt Adventure on La Rambla

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba sobre La Rambla, iluminando las tiendas y a la multitud que se movía como un río colorido. En: The sun shined on La Rambla, illuminating the shops and the crowd that moved like a colorful river. Es: Los sonidos de risas, música y conversaciones…

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Battling the Storm: Siobhán’s Courageous Quest

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Tá sé geal, ach tá scamaill dorcha ag bailiú sa spéir os cionn Chuan na Gaillimhe. En: It is bright, but dark clouds are gathering in the sky above Galway Bay. Ga: Suíonn Siobhán ar an mbád beag agus í ag stánadh síos san uisce. En: Siobhán…

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Sunset Dreams: Luka’s Journey to Artistic Confidence

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce se lagano spuštalo nad Jadranskim morem, osvjetljavajući Dubrovnik zlatnom svjetlošću. En: The sun was slowly setting over the Adriatic Sea, bathing Dubrovnik in golden light. Hr: Stari grad vrvio je životom. En: The old town was bustling with life. Hr: Na terasi lokalnog kafića sjedio je…

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From Fisherman to Legend: Secrets of Sozopol Unearthed

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Вятърът свистеше през улиците на Созопол, носейки солен вкус от морето към брега. En: The wind whistled through the streets of Sozopol, carrying the salty taste of the sea towards the shore. Bg: Александър седеше край пристанището и гледаше вълните. En: Alexander sat by the harbor, watching…

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Unraveling Odesa: Adventure Beyond the Potemkin Stairs

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: В літній день на Потьомкінських сходах в Одесі було багато людей. En: On a summer day at the Potemkin Stairs in Odesa, there were many people. Uk: Туристи фотографували місто, а місцеві жителі прогулювались, насолоджуючись свіжим повітрям. En: Tourists were taking photos of the city, while locals…

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Rainbows and Revelations in Shinjuku Gyoen

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 新宿御苑の静かな夏の日、緑の美しい風景が広がっていました。 En: On a quiet summer day in Shinjuku Gyoen, a beautiful green landscape spread out before them. Ja: 太陽の光が葉っぱの間から差し込み、心地よい風が吹き抜けます。 En: Sunlight filtered through the leaves, and a pleasant breeze blew gently. Ja: この場所は、都会の喧騒を忘れるためのオアシスです。 En: This place serves as an oasis to forget the hustle and bustle…

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The Prague AI Mystique: Discovery in the Old Town

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Uprostřed krásného letního dne v Praze, kdy slunce svítilo jasně a teplý vánek procházel mezi starodávnými budovami Starého Města, se konala technologická výstava. En: In the middle of a beautiful summer day in Prague, when the sun shone brightly and a warm breeze swept through the ancient…

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Finding Traditions and Friendship: A New Semester’s Promise

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 하늘이 점점 붉어지기 시작했어요. En: The sky began to turn redder. Ko: 여름은 끝나가고, 가을이 다가오고 있었어요. En: Summer was ending, and autumn was approaching. Ko: 대학교 캠퍼스는 가을 단풍으로 가득 찼고, 바람에 흔들리는 나뭇잎 소리가 귀에 닿았어요. En: The university campus was filled with the colors…

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A Timeless Legacy: Love’s Whisper at Kalemegdan Fortress

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Летње сунце сија снажно изнад Калемегданске тврђаве. En: The summer sun shines intensely over the Kalemegdan Fortress. Sr: Милан и Ана корачају полако, у сенци старих стабала, кроз парк натопљен сећањима. En: Milan and Ana walk slowly, in the shade of ancient trees, through a park steeped…

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