Finding Strength: Jasper’s Journey in The Hague

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Onder de heldere zomerlucht van Den Haag klonk het geluid van sirenes en gehaaste voeten op de achtergrond. En: Under the clear summer skies of The Hague, the sound of sirens and hurried footsteps echoed in the background. Nl: Het was druk in het veldhospitaal. En: It…

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Marathon of Choices: A Heartfelt Race Against Time

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Suvepäike paistis Tartu taevas, kui maraton kogus hoogu. En: The summer sun shone over the Tartu sky as the marathon gained momentum. Et: Runners vehkisid mööda linna tänavaid, igaühel oma eesmärk. En: Runners were waving through the city’s streets, each with their own goal. Et: Kertu, teiste…

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Rescue in Rila: Veselin’s Journey from Doubt to Heroism

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В свежия планински въздух на Рила, сред елегантната тишина на природата, временна болница стоеше усамотена. En: In the fresh mountain air of Rila, amidst the elegant silence of nature, a temporary hospital stood solitary. Bg: Именно там се оказаха Веселин и Радостина. En: It was there that…

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Hearts Amidst the Chaos: A Surgeon’s Battle for Hope

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nap tüzesen sütött a mezőkön és a hőség feszültséget hozott a tábori kórházba. En: The sun blazed over the fields, and the heat brought tension to the field hospital. Hu: Áron, a sebész, fáradtan dőlt az egyik sátor árnyékába, pillanatra lehunyva szemét. En: Áron, the surgeon,…

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Redemption in Sarajevo: A Doctor’s Tale of Hope and Resilience

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Сунце је пекло над Сарајевом, немилосрдно осветљавајући импровизовани пољски болнички камп. En: The sun blazed over Sarajevo, mercilessly illuminating the makeshift field hospital camp. Sr: Шаторски кровови дрхтали су на топлом летњем ветру, а унутра је владала напетост. En: The tent roofs shivered in the warm summer…

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Love Blooms in the Heart of Chaos

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Det var en solig sommardag. En: It was a sunny summer day. Sv: Solen strålade över ett fält sjukhus. En: The sun beamed down over a field hospital. Sv: Tält stod i rader, surrande av aktivitet. En: Tents stood in rows, buzzing with activity. Sv: Sjuksköterskor och…

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Parisian Letters: A Reunion Under the Arc de Triomphe

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Un doux parfum de fleurs et de café emplit l’air des Champs-Élysées. En: A gentle scent of flowers and coffee fills the air of the Champs-Élysées. Fr: C’est l’été à Paris, et les rues sont pleines de vie. En: It’s summer in Paris, and the streets are…

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Echoes of the Arctic: Unveiling the Mystery Beneath the Ice

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A jég roppant hideg birodalmában furcsa dolog zajlik. En: In the immense cold realm of ice, something strange is happening. Hu: Nappal sincs igazi meleg, de a nap nem nyugszik le teljesen. En: There is no real warmth even during the day, and the sun never fully…

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Tundra Trials: A Journey to Discover Climate Truths

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: U arktičkoj tundri, gdje vjetar nosi hladan dah polarnih predjela, Ivana i Marko stojali su jedva obuzdavajući uzbuđenje i nervozu. En: In the Arctic tundra, where the wind carries the cold breath of polar regions, Ivana and Marko stood, barely containing their excitement and nerves. Hr: Iza…

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Polar Bear Pursuit: A Tale of Arctic Exploration Rivalry

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Yn wyneb haul arctig yn llewygu’r wybren, roedd Emrys a Cerys yn sefyll yn ysgyrnog ar y tundra. En: In the face of the Arctic sun fading in the sky, Emrys and Cerys stood resolute on the tundra. Cy: Mae’r dirwedd yn ymddangos fel môr o iâ…

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