Shadows to Sunlight: Sibling Resilience & Inheritance Battles

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Sa bhuncar dorcha faoin talamh, bhí Eamon agus Fiona i bhfolach. En: In the dark cellar underground, Eamon and Fiona were hiding. Ga: Bhí an áit bheag agus teann, solas lag agus troscán seanbhunadh ann. En: The place was small and cramped, with dim light and old-fashioned…

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Uncovering Secrets: An Unexpected Adventure in the Summer Bunker

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Anneli, Maarja ja Tanel otsustasid suvel matkale minna. En: Anneli, Maarja, and Tanel decided to go on a hike in the summer. Et: Samme suve õhtul, kui äike karjatas äkitselt taevas, hakkasid nende sammud kiirenema. En: On that summer evening, when lightning suddenly cracked across the sky,…

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A Nurse’s Battle: Finding Hope Amidst Chaos

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne brennt heiß über dem Feldlazarett. En: The sun burns hot over the field hospital. De: Anika wischt sich den Schweiß von der Stirn. En: Anika wipes the sweat from her forehead. De: Die Luft ist schwer und trocken. En: The air is heavy and dry.…

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From Picnic Perfection to Rainy Revelations in Tivoli Park

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Med poletnim vzdušjem, ko se sonce smehlja iz modrega neba, Tivoli park v Ljubljani žari v vseh odtenkih zelene. En: Under the summer atmosphere, with the sun smiling from a blue sky, Tivoli Park in Ljubljana glows in all shades of green. Sl: Rože krasijo poti s…

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Serendipity in Helsinki: Finding Inspiration at the Market

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Helsingin kiireinen kesämarkkinatori sykki elämää. En: The busy summer market square in Helsinki was pulsating with life. Fi: Aurinko paistoi kirkkaana, ja merituuli leikitteli kevyesti kauppakojujen katosten kanssa. En: The sun shone brightly, and the sea breeze played gently with the market stall canopies. Fi: Antti käveli…

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Summit of Self-Discovery: A Journey Beyond the Andes Peaks

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En el corazón de los Andes, el aire es nítido y el silencio sorprendente. En: In the heart of the Andes, the air is crisp, and the silence is striking. Es: En este remoto lugar se encuentra un hospital de campaña. En: In this remote place lies…

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Nurse Linh’s Perseverance: Brightening Hospital Summer Days

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Tiếng ồn của bệnh viện Chợ Rẫy vang khắp các hành lang. En: The noise of Cho Ray Hospital echoed through the corridors. Vi: Tiếng bước chân vội vã cùng tiếng cười của bệnh nhân và nhân viên y tế hòa vào nhau. En: The hurried footsteps…

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Heatwave Heroes: Resilience Amidst Tel Aviv’s Crisis

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בשדה בית החולים בתל אביב, החום של הקיץ היה בלתי נסבל. En: In the field hospital in Tel Aviv, the summer heat was unbearable. He: אליאור, מנתח צעיר ונמרץ, עמד מול שורה אינסופית של מטופלים. En: Elior, a young and energetic surgeon, stood facing an endless line…

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Guardians of Gdańsk: Siblings Unite for Father’s Heart

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Gdańskie dźwigi górowały nad miasteczkiem jak starzy strażnicy. En: The cranes of Gdańsk loomed over the town like ancient guardians. Pl: Ich sylwetki przypominały przeszłość, kiedy stocznia tętniła życiem. En: Their silhouettes were a reminder of the past when the shipyard thrived with activity. Pl: Teraz Kasia,…

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A Turn of Fate in Montserrat: Love Blossoms Amidst Peril

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Al capvespre, quan el sol pintava el cel de colors ataronjats, Jordi i Montse caminaven per la muntanya de Montserrat. En: At dusk, when the sun painted the sky with orange hues, Jordi and Montse were walking through the mountains of Montserrat. Ca: L’aire era calent i…

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