Locked In: A Bunker Survival Test Gone Awry

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Lyset fra lommelykten kastet dansende skygger på de kalde betongveggene. En: The light from the flashlight cast dancing shadows on the cold concrete walls. Nb: Inne i den trange bunkeren satt Astrid og Einar, omgitt av bokser med hermetikk og nok vann til å klare seg i…

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Finding Friendship in the Shadows of an Underground Bunker

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 지하 벙커의 문이 철컥하며 열렸다. En: The door of the underground bunker clicked open. Ko: 햇빛 한 줌 없는 곳, 조용한 들숨과 나오는 숨소리만이 공간을 가득 채우고 있었다. En: It was a place devoid of any sunlight, filled only with the quiet sounds of breathing. Ko: 지승렌드지원을…

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Unlocking Hidden Histories: A Tale of Wartime Love and Hope

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 静かな夏の日、さとしとえみは地下の古いバンカーにいた。 En: On a quiet summer day, Satoshi and Emi were in an old underground bunker. Ja: バンカーは街中の工事現場で偶然発見された。 En: The bunker had been discovered by chance at a construction site in the city. Ja: 中は暗く、ほこりが舞い上がり、金属の壁が静寂を響かせている。 En: Inside, it was dark, dust swirled in the air, and the…

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A Surprise Ingredient: Festival Flavors at Riga Market

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgas Centrāltirgus pārpildīts ar cilvēkiem un aktivitāti. En: The Riga Central Market is bustling with people and activity. Lv: Svaigu produktu smarža virmo gaisā. En: The smell of fresh produce fills the air. Lv: Tur var atrast gan maizes un zivju stendus, gan sulīgus augļus un dārzeņus.…

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Balancing Preparedness and Living in the Moment

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Pod svetlobo ene same žarnice se je kamen na kamni stopil v srce bunkerja. En: Under the light of a single bulb, the stones had fused into the heart of the bunker. Sl: Ob stenah so stale police, prepolne konzerv s hrano, plastenk z vodo in preživetvenega…

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Survival Trade-Off: A Bunker Tale of Hope and Unity

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En las profundidades de un búnker subterráneo, Mateo y Lucía enfrentaban un desafío diario. En: In the depths of an underground bunker, Mateo and Lucía faced a daily challenge. Es: Afuera, el invierno austral era despiadado. En: Outside, the southern winter was relentless. Es: El viento rugía…

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Mystery of the Black Forest: Adventure in the Ancient Castle

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Lukas und Greta standen vor dem alten Schloss im Schwarzwald. En: Lukas and Greta stood in front of the old castle in the Black Forest. De: Die Mauern waren hoch, bedeckt mit Efeu, und die Sonne fiel in schmalen Streifen durch die Blätter der Bäume. En: The…

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Venetian Vignettes: Teamwork and Tales on the Grand Canal

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva luminoso sopra Venezia, riflettendosi nelle acque del Canal Grande. En: The sun was shining brightly over Venice, reflecting in the waters of the Grand Canal. It: La città era viva con l’entusiasmo della Festa del Redentore. En: The city was alive with the excitement…

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Bunker Bonds: Discovering Teamwork in the Depths

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Тишина влада. En: Silence reigned. Sr: Подземни бункер је уобичајено миран, осим звука откуцаја старог сата на зиду. En: The underground bunker was usually quiet, except for the ticking of an old clock on the wall. Sr: Метални зидови и слабо осветљени ходници стварају осећај опреза. En:…

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Trust and Tactics: A Team’s Trial in the Bunker

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В подземния бункер всичко бе готово за тренировъчната аларма. En: In the underground bunker, everything was ready for the training alarm. Bg: Лятното слънце едва проникваше през малките прозорци, а бетонните стени усилваха усещането за клаустрофобия. En: The summer sun barely penetrated the small windows, and the…

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