Unearthing Budapest’s Forgotten Secrets: A WWII Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nyári nap elbújt a felhők mögött, Budapest utcáin pedig csend honolt. En: The summer sun hid behind the clouds, and silence reigned on the streets of Budapest. Hu: Lent, a föld alatt, egy rejtélyes világ várt felfedezésre. En: Below ground, a mysterious world awaited discovery. Hu:…

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Rekindling Family Bonds on the Ghats of Varanasi

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: वाराणसी के घाटों पर, आसमान में बादल घिर आए थे। En: On the ghats of Varanasi, clouds had gathered in the sky. Hi: गंगा नदी की लहरें किनारे से टकरा रही थीं। En: The waves of the Ganga River were lapping against the shore. Hi: अनिका वहाँ…

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Hearts Reunited: A Summer at the Hill of Crosses

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vasaros viduryje, kai saulė skleidė švelnią šilumą, trys draugai – Justinas, Karolis ir Vilija – susitiko prie garsaus Kryžių kalno Lietuvoje. En: In the middle of summer, when the sun emitted a gentle warmth, three friends—Justinas, Karolis, and Vilija—met at the famous Hill of Crosses in Lithuania.…

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Unleashing Creativity: A Photographer and Writer’s Serendipity

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: נעם יָצָא לדרך מוקדם בבוקר. En: Noam set out early in the morning. He: החום של הקיץ כבר היה מורגש, אבל השמש עדיין לא עלתה גבוה מדי. En: The summer heat was already noticeable, but the sun hadn’t risen too high yet. He: הוא אהב לצלם בזמן…

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Unveiling Secrets: A Metro Hunt for History’s Treasure

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: I Stockholm, på sommaren, i tunnelbanans dolda stråk, fladdrade färgglada ljus och skuggor genom vagnens fönster. En: In Stockholm, during the summer, in the hidden paths of the metro, colorful lights and shadows flickered through the train windows. Sv: Människor rörde sig, pratade och skyndade förbi. En:…

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A Journey of Friendship: The Ascent that Transformed Lan

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trong một ngày hè nóng bức ở Vườn quốc gia Bạch Mã, Lan và Minh bước đi trên con đường mòn nhỏ hẹp. En: On a scorching summer day in Bach Ma National Park, Lan and Minh walked along the narrow trail. Vi: Cây rừng xanh rì,…

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Underground Odyssey: A Quest for Safe Haven Beneath the Earth

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Sub pământul uscat și fierbinte al verii, un buncăr se afla ascuns, rece și misterios. En: Beneath the dry and scorching summer earth, a bunker lay hidden, cold and mysterious. Ro: În acest loc, Andrei, un inginer precaut, se pregătea pentru o călătorie periculoasă printr-o rețea subterană…

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Bright Ideas: Friendship and Innovation in Rainy Days

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: ในวันหนึ่งที่ฝนตกหนัก เสียงฝนดังกราวที่หน้าต่างใหญ่ของห้องสมุดโรงเรียน En: On a day with heavy rain, the sound of raindrops pounded against the large library window at school. Th: อันโรงและสมชายกำลังนั่งอยู่ที่โต๊ะไม้เก่างบใต้หนังสือกองสูง En: Anrong and Somchai were seated at an old wooden table surrounded by a tall stack of books. Th: ทั้งคู่ตั้งใจจะเตรียมโครงการงานวิทยาศาสตร์ประจำปี En: They were determined…

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Finding Balance in the Eye of the Storm

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在幽暗的地下掩体中,莲和魏正躲避着猛烈的台风。 En: In the dim underground bunker, Lian and Wei were sheltering from the raging typhoon. Zh: 外面的风声像是在怒吼,而在地下却只能听到微弱的低声。 En: The sound of the wind outside was like roaring, while only faint murmurs could be heard below ground. Zh: 灯光昏暗,掩体里只靠一台发电机维持基本的用电需求。 En: The lighting was dim, with…

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The Kitten That Sparked An Unlikely Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Zrinjevac je svjetlucao pod ljetnim suncem dok se mirisi cvijeća šire uz lagani vjetrić. En: Zrinjevac shimmered under the summer sun as the scents of flowers spread with the gentle breeze. Hr: Ljudi su bili posvuda, a melodije festivala Velike Gospe ispunile su zrak. En: People were…

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