Unveiling Hidden Memories: A Summer’s Journey Through Time

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Seurasaari oli kaunis ja hiljainen. En: Seurasaari was beautiful and quiet. Fi: Suuret puut tekivät varjoja pehmeälle nurmikolle. En: Large trees cast shadows on the soft grass. Fi: Aurinko paistoi kirkkaasti, ja ilma oli raikas. En: The sun shone brightly, and the air was fresh. Fi: Anniina…

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Midsummer Mischief: Maja’s Goat Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Maja log skrattande när solen värmde hennes ansikte. En: Maja laughed as the sun warmed her face. Sv: Det var Midsommar på Skansen, och hela platsen var full av liv. En: It was Midsummer at Skansen, and the whole place was buzzing with life. Sv: Doften av…

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Lavender Fields of Resilience: A Tale of Family Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Сонце лагідно осявало просторе поле, де лавандові квіти переливалися ніжними фіолетовими відтінками. En: The sun gently illuminated the vast field, where lavender flowers shimmered with delicate shades of purple. Uk: Вже літо запанувало над Україною, а тут, серед полів, лунали дзвінкі голоси птахів. En: Summer had already…

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Blooming Traditions: A Family’s Bond Amidst Frosty Roses

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En el corazón del campo argentino, entre suaves colinas y rodeada de niebla invernal, estaba La Quinta de las Rosas. En: In the heart of the Argentine countryside, nestled among gentle hills and enshrouded by winter mist, was La Quinta de las Rosas. Es: En esta época…

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Overcoming Allergy Fears: Friendship in the Lavender Fields

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Na farmě Vysočina Lavender bylo krásné letní ráno. En: At the Vysočina Lavender farm, it was a beautiful summer morning. Cs: Slunce svítilo a teplo letních paprsků hladilo fialová pole. En: The sun shone down, and the warmth of the summer beams caressed the purple fields. Cs:…

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Dewi’s Quest: Capturing the Elusive Javan Hawk-Eagle

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian www.FluentFiction.org/Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Langit pagi di Kebun Raya Cibodas cerah, meski sedikit menggantungkan awan gelap di kejauhan. En: The morning sky at Cibodas Botanical Garden was clear, though a few dark clouds hung in the distance. Id: Dewi, seorang pengamat burung yang bersemangat, melangkah pelan memasuki kebun. En: Dewi, an…

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Sanne’s Sunset: Beyond the Perfect Shot in Lisse

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De zon hing laag aan de horizon boven de uitgestrekte tulpenvelden van Lisse. En: The sun hung low on the horizon above the vast tulip fields of Lisse. Nl: Kleuren van rood, geel en paars dansten in de warme zomerwind. En: Colors of red, yellow, and purple…

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A Blooming Friendship: A Day at Vilnius Flower Market

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus žiedų turgus triukšmingas. En: The Vilnius flower market is bustling. Lt: Vėlyva vasara, ore tvyro saldus žiedų kvapas. En: It’s late summer, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of blossoms. Lt: Sklinda juokas, žmonės šnekučiuojasi. En: Laughter drifts around, and people are chatting.…

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From Sunflowers to Self-Discovery: Adrian’s Farm Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: În mijlocul verii, soarele îmbrățișa câmpurile de floarea-soarelui, răspândind o căldură blândă peste Ferma de Flori din România. En: In the middle of summer, the sun embraced the sunflower fields, spreading a gentle warmth over the Flower Farm in Romania. Ro: Razele aurii cadeau asupra florilor care…

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Chasing Dreams Through the Bloom: An Adventurous Quest

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Το καλοκαιρινό πρωινό ανέτειλε γεμάτο υποσχέσεις στον αγρό των λουλουδιών. En: The summer morning dawned full of promises in the flower field. El: Τα χρώματα απλώνονταν σαν ουράνιο τόξο. En: The colors spread out like a rainbow. El: Η Έλενα και ο Κώστας περπατούσαν ευτυχισμένοι με την…

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