Hidden Allergies and Friendship: A Day at the Flower Farm

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 꽃 농장은 색깔의 세상입니다. En: The flower farm is a world of colors. Ko: 무지개 같이 예쁜 꽃들이 땅 끝까지 펼쳐져 있어요. En: Beautiful flowers like a rainbow stretch out to the horizon. Ko: 하늘은 푸르고 태양은 따뜻합니다. En: The sky is blue, and the sun is…

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Mystical Night: A Journey through Lahemaa’s Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Lahemaa Rahvuspark säras suvise roheluse rüpes. En: Lahemaa National Park gleamed in the embrace of summer greenery. Et: Kõikjal lendas linnulaulu ja metsaalune lõhnas metsikute lillede järele. En: Everywhere resounded with birdsong, and the forest floor was scented with wildflowers. Et: Kalev ja Maarja, kaks sõpra, jalutasid…

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Fields of Compromise: Sibling Bonds in Bloom

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: गर्मियों की धूप में फूलों के खेत के बीच, रंग-बिरंगे फूलों की खुशबू हवाओं में घुली हुई थी। En: In the summer sun, amidst the fields of flowers, the fragrance of colorful blooms permeated the air. Hi: हर दिशा में केवल फूल ही फूल थे, जैसे इंद्रधनुष…

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Blooming Bonds: Siblings Unite Over a Garden Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Hoa Đà Lạt tháng bảy đang vào mùa nở rộ. En: The flowers of Da Lat in July are entering their peak bloom. Vi: Trên một ngọn đồi nhỏ, nơi từng là ngôi nhà của bà nội, ba anh chị em – Linh, Duy, và Thúy –…

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A Bouquet of Blossoming Love: Miloš and Katarina’s Story

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: На светлом цвећару, где лето пушта свој раскошни мирис, сунце је обасјавало сваку латицу, а птице су певале симфонију радости. En: In the bright flower garden, where summer releases its splendid fragrance, the sun illuminated every petal, and birds sang a symphony of joy. Sr: Милош, млади…

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Blossoming Friendships in Chiang Mai’s Sustainable Fields

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: เมฆฝนลอยหนาทึบอยู่เหนือไร่ดอกไม้ในเชียงใหม่ En: Dark rain clouds hovered over the flower fields in Chiang Mai. Th: สายฝนโปรยปรายทำให้ดอกไม้สดชื่นและมีกลิ่นหอม En: The drizzling rain refreshed the flowers and enhanced their fragrance. Th: Niran ก้าวเดินผ่านสายน้ำปรอยๆ ขณะที่นักเรียนเข้าร่วมคณะทัศนศึกษาจากโรงเรียนเพื่อเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับเกษตรกรรมยั่งยืน En: Niran walked through the light rain as students joined a field trip from school to learn…

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How a Bumptious Blunder Bloomed into Art at the Flower Farm

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nyári napfény aranyló sugarai beragyogták a Virág Farmot, ahol Ákos, a kissé szétszórt kertész, épp álmodozva sétált a színes virágsorok között. En: The golden rays of summer sunlight illuminated the Flower Farm, where Ákos, the slightly scatterbrained gardener, was dreamily strolling among rows of colorful flowers.…

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Bloom Amidst the Sands: A Photographer’s Desert Journey

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: במרכז המדבר הצחיח של הנגב, יש חווה יפיפייה של פרחים. En: In the center of the arid Negev desert, there is a beautiful flower farm. He: הפרחים כאן נדירים ומדהימים, משמחים ביופיים אל מול הנוף הצחיח. En: The flowers here are rare and stunning, bringing joy with…

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From Lavender Fields to New Friendships: A Lesson in Being True

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Lavanda je cvjetala u hladu pod vedrim ljetnim nebom. En: The lavender blossomed in the shade under the clear summer sky. Hr: Polja su se širila sve do horizonta, ispunjena mirisom koji je opija sve oko sebe. En: Fields stretched to the horizon, filled with a scent…

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Chasing Rare Blossoms: Luca’s Epic Journey at Cinque Terre

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Nel cuore dell’estate, sotto il sole cocente di Ferragosto, Luca e Sofia si trovavano al punto di partenza del sentiero costiero delle Cinque Terre. En: In the heart of summer, under the blazing sun of Ferragosto, Luca and Sofia found themselves at the starting point of the…

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