Blossoms of Change: A Photographer & Botanist’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Yng nghanol y gaeaf o lewyrchu mae’r Hafan Blodau, tirwedd sy’n ymestyn i’r gorwel gyda lliwiau diderfyn. En: In the midst of a radiant winter lies the Floral Haven, a landscape stretching to the horizon with limitless colors. Cy: Yma, mae ambell gartref fferm wedi eu codi…

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Dreams of Ink: Lian’s Journey to Family & Fulfillment

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在杭州西湖的一个夏日午后,阳光洒在波光粼粼的湖面上,仿佛给湖水镀上了一层金色的薄纱。 En: On a summer afternoon by West Lake in Hangzhou, sunlight shimmered on the surface of the water, as if draping the lake with a golden veil. Zh: 莲、梅和成三人正在湖边铺开一个大花布,准备享受他们一年一度的家庭聚会野餐。 En: Lian, Mei, and Cheng were spreading out a large floral cloth by the lakeside,…

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Reuniting at Lake Bled: A Family’s Journey to Reconnection

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sonce je narahlo sijalo nad Blejskim jezerom. En: The sun gently shone over Lake Bled. Sl: Jezero je bilo mirno, le tu in tam so se po njem peljale majhne jadrnice. En: The lake was calm, with only small sailboats occasionally gliding across it. Sl: Matej je…

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Finding Peace and Purpose in the Enchanting Flower Garden

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Yaz mevsimi Isparta’ya gelmişti. En: Summer had arrived in Isparta. Tr: Çiçek Bahçesi, rengarenk çiçeklerle doluydu ve havada güllerin büyüleyici kokusu vardı. En: The Flower Garden was filled with colorful flowers, and the air was scented with the enchanting aroma of roses. Tr: Kemal, şehir hayatının koşturmacasından…

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Mystical Lights of Arashiyama: A Night of Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の夜、嵐山の竹林は静かで神秘的でした。 En: On a summer night, the bamboo grove in Arashiyama was quiet and mysterious. Ja: 竹の間から月の光が差し込み、影が踊るように揺れています。 En: Moonlight filtered through the bamboo, casting shadows that swayed as if dancing. Ja: 周囲の寺院から漂う線香の香りが、空気を満たしていました。 En: The scent of incense drifted in the air from the surrounding temples. Ja: ちょうどお盆の時期、人々はご先祖様を迎える準備で忙しい中、不思議な光が毎年現れるという噂が広がっていました。…

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Finding Love Among Rare Flowers in the Black Forest

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Es war ein warmer Sommertag im Schwarzwald. En: It was a warm summer day in the Black Forest. De: Die Sonne schien hell über dem Blumenhof, der für das jährliche Blumenfestival geschmückt war. En: The sun shone brightly over the flower field, which was decorated for the…

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Seeds of Friendship: How Art and Gardening Found Harmony

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Kwiatowa Gospodarstwo przyciągało gości z całego regionu. En: Flower Farm attracted visitors from the entire region. Pl: Ukryta między wzgórzami stała się miejscem letniego festiwalu, który ożywiał urokliwe pola kwiatowe. En: Nestled among the hills, it became the venue for a summer festival that enlivened the charming…

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Family Ties and Hidden Clauses: A Seaside Inheritance Tale

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: L’aroma salada del mar es barrejava amb l’olor dolça de la festa als carrers de Tossa de Mar. En: The salty aroma of the sea blended with the sweet scent of the festival in the streets of Tossa de Mar. Ca: La Diada de Sant Sadurní omplia…

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Secrets in Lavender: Love, Trust, and Renewal in Provence

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Les champs de lavande s’étendaient à perte de vue, une mer violette sous le ciel d’été éclatant. En: The lavender fields stretched as far as the eye could see, a violet sea under the radiant summer sky. Fr: Le parfum floral flottait dans l’air chaud. En: The…

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Rooted Revelations: Carla’s Journey Back to the Flower Farm

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die son het traag bo die horison uitgerys op die blommeranch van Carla se ouma en oupa. En: The sun slowly rose above the horizon at Carla’s grandparents’ flower ranch. Af: Die lug was koud, en ‘n ligte wit laag van ryp het die kleurvolle blombeddings bedek.…

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