Lars’ Bold Leap from Meetings to Meaningful Innovation

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Sommar solen värmde hustaken i Stockholm. En: The summer sun warmed the rooftops of Stockholm. Sv: Det var en tidig augusti morgon, och Lars satt vid sitt skrivbord i det stora kontoret. En: It was an early August morning, and Lars sat at his desk in the…

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Kyiv’s Sunlit Redemption: Love & Trust at the Workplace

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Літнє сонячне проміння пробивалося крізь вікна офісу в Києві, освітлюючи кожен закуток. En: The summer sunbeams pierced through the office windows in Kyiv, illuminating every corner. Uk: У повітрі відчувався аромат свіжозвареної кави, а тихий гул розмов наповнював кімнату для відпочинку. En: The air was filled with…

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Revealing Courage: Hans’ Journey to Embrace Vulnerability

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Im gläsernen Bürogebäude, wo die Sonnenstrahlen durch die großen Fenster fielen, saß Hans an seinem Schreibtisch. En: In the glass office building where the sunlight streamed through the large windows, Hans sat at his desk. De: Die Sommerhitze draußen war unerträglich, aber drinnen war es kühl und…

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Unlocking Hidden Truths: Mariska’s Unexpected Office Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die reënval muffle die klank van motors in die verlate strate onder die glasreuse van die stad. En: The rainfall muffles the sound of cars in the deserted streets beneath the city’s glass giants. Af: Binne die koue, glashalpte kantore van DTEK Korporasie, sit Mariska agter haar…

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From Chaos to Collaboration: A Creativity and Organization Tale

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: В разгара на лятото, офисът на компанията кипеше от активности. En: In the height of summer, the company’s office was buzzing with activity. Bg: Големи прозорци разкриваха гледка към града под яркото слънце. En: Large windows offered a view of the city under the bright sun. Bg:…

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A Rainy Day, A Team’s Triumph: Anong’s Leadership Journey

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ที่ทำงานของบริษัทใหญ่ในกรุงเทพฯ มักเต็มไปด้วยเสียงโทรศัพท์และคอมพิวเตอร์ที่ไม่เคยหยุดเงียบ En: The workplace of a large company in Bangkok is often filled with the sound of never-ceasing phones and computers. Th: ฝนกำลังตกพรำๆ อ่านรินที่หน้าต่าง เป็นเรื่องปกติในฤดูฝนของเมืองนี้ En: The rain is gently falling, trickling down the windows, a common occurrence in this city’s rainy season. Th: ทีมงานต้องเดินผ่านกลุ่มแท็กซี่และห้องประชุมเพื่อทำงานให้สำเร็จ En:…

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Office Escapades: Scoring Deals and Secret Getaways

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Sıcak bir yaz günüydü. En: It was a hot summer day. Tr: Ofisin içindeki klima serin esintiler getiriyordu, ama dışarıdaki boğucu sıcaklığı tamamen bastıramıyordu. En: The air conditioner in the office delivered cool breezes, but it couldn’t completely suppress the stifling heat outside. Tr: Can, Selin ve…

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Jozef’s Leap: From Office Cramped to Confidence Camped

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Jozef zavrel oči a zhlboka sa nadýchol. En: Jozef closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Sk: V kúte kancelárie, kde sa nachádzal jeho stôl, sa cítil trochu stiesneno. En: In the corner of the office where his desk was, he felt a bit cramped. Sk:…

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A Power Outage and a Broken Coffee Machine: Unlikely Allies

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Într-o vară călduroasă, în inima Bucureștiului, undeva la etajul zece al unei clădiri de birouri strălucitoare, Radu zâmbea forțat în fața monitorului său. En: On a hot summer day, in the heart of Bucharest, somewhere on the tenth floor of a gleaming office building, Radu was forcing…

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Love Sends the Wrong Email: Astrid’s Accidental Confession

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Sommerens lys strømmede ind gennem de brede vinduer i det åbne kontorlandskab. En: The summer light streamed in through the wide windows of the open office space. Da: Tastaturernes blide klapren og computernes summen skabte en blød baggrundslyd på kontoret. En: The gentle tapping of keyboards and…

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