From Plain to Polished: How Jordi Suited Up for Success

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: L’aire condicionat bufava fort dins l’oficina. En: The air conditioning blew strongly inside the office. Ca: Els empleats es passejaven apressadament entre els escriptoris brillants. En: Employees hurriedly walked between the shiny desks. Ca: Era un dia d’estiu calorós, però a dins, tot semblava més fresc i…

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Balancing Ambition: Ivana’s Journey in the Corporate Race

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ljetno sunce je obasjavalo Zagreb, a gradski centar bio je užurban kao i uvijek. En: The summer sun shone over Zagreb, and the city center was bustling as always. Hr: U velikom korporativnom uredu, Ivana je sjedila za svojim stolom, fokusirajući se na ekran računala. En: In…

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Love and Literature: A Serendipitous Encounter in Vilnius

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus senamiestis. En: The Old Town of Vilnius. Lt: Saulėta vasaros diena. En: A sunny summer day. Lt: Senas knygynas tarp siaurų gatvių. En: An old bookstore nestled among narrow streets. Lt: Dovydas, jaunas ir šiek tiek nedrąsus, įžengia į vidų. En: Dovydas, young and slightly timid,…

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Overcoming Challenges and Winning Contracts in Tokyo

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 東京の夏、暑さが街を包む中、Hiroshiは会社のオフィスに向かって急いでいました。 En: In the summer of Tokyo, with the heat enveloping the city, Hiroshi was hurrying towards his company’s office. Ja: 彼は若手のエグゼクティブで、重要なプレゼンテーションを控え、緊張で胸がいっぱいでした。 En: He was a young executive with an important presentation ahead, his heart full of tension. Ja: オフィスは近代的なビルの中にあり、大きな窓からは東京の活気あふれる街並みが見えました。 En: The office was located in a…

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Stormy Journey: Embracing Collaboration and Recognition

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 진우는 창밖을 쳐다보며 깊은 생각에 잠겼다. En: Jinwoo stared out the window, lost in deep thought. Ko: 서울의 번화한 기업 사무실, 고층 빌딩들이 즐비한 도시 전망이 그의 시야에 들어왔다. En: The bustling corporate offices of Seoul, with skyscrapers lined up, filled his view. Ko: 여름의 뜨거운 햇살이…

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Rising Stars: Success Through Teamwork and Leadership

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Słońce wpadało przez szklane ściany biura, tworząc wzory na podłodze konferencyjnej sali. En: The sun streamed through the glass walls of the office, creating patterns on the conference room floor. Pl: W powietrzu unosiła się aura napięcia i oczekiwania. En: An aura of tension and anticipation hung…

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Eero’s Breakthrough: Triumph in the Boardroom Spotlight

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Aurinko paistoi kirkkaasti Helsingin keskustan suurten toimistotalojen ylle. En: The sun shone brightly over the large office buildings in the center of Helsinki. Fi: Ilma oli lämmin, ja kaupungin vilinä kuului vaimeasti korkealla sijaitsevasta kokoushuoneesta. En: The air was warm, and the hustle and bustle of the…

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From Coffee Breaks to Charity: A Friendship Beyond Office Walls

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: V horkém letním dni obloha zářila modří nad moderní kancelářskou budovou. En: On a hot summer day, the sky shone blue above the modern office building. Cs: Skleněná fasáda odrážela sluneční paprsky a uvnitř se odehrával každodenní ruch zaměstnanců. En: The glass facade reflected the sun’s rays,…

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From Printer to Pastries: Maartje’s Office Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In het drukke kantoor van een groot bedrijf, hoorde je het constante gezoem van computers en het klikken van toetsenborden. En: In the bustling office of a large company, you could hear the constant hum of computers and the clicking of keyboards. Nl: De airconditioning blies koele…

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Kyiv’s Sunlit Redemption: Love & Trust at the Workplace

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Літнє сонячне проміння пробивалося крізь вікна офісу в Києві, освітлюючи кожен закуток. En: The summer sunbeams pierced through the office windows in Kyiv, illuminating every corner. Uk: У повітрі відчувався аромат свіжозвареної кави, а тихий гул розмов наповнював кімнату для відпочинку. En: The air was filled with…

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