Team Triumph: A Day of Discovery at Peleș Castle

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Peleș Castle strălucea sub soarele verii, înconjurat de păduri verzi și cer senin. En: Peleș Castle gleamed under the summer sun, surrounded by green forests and a clear sky. Ro: În această zi specială, Andrei, Ioana și Mihai se pregăteau pentru prezentarea proiectului lor de istorie, un…

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Conquering Doubt: Marek’s Journey in Tallinn’s Old Town

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Tallinna vanalinna kivised tänavad särasid suvepäikese all. En: The cobblestone streets of Tallinn’s old town gleamed under the summer sun. Et: Vanaajalooline hoone, kus toimus konverents, lausa kiirgas iidset tarkust. En: The ancient historic building, where the conference was taking place, seemed to radiate age-old wisdom. Et:…

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Red Revelations: A Tomato Festival Tale of Hidden Love

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba intensamente sobre Buñol mientras la plaza principal albergaba un mar rojo de tomates. En: The sun shone brightly over Buñol as the main square hosted a sea of red tomatoes. Es: Era el festival de La Tomatina y la gente reía y bailaba al…

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Stolen Relics and New Beginnings at the Jerusalem Conference

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: באולם הגדול בירושלים, המקום היה מלא באנשי מקצוע ומומחים מכל העולם. En: In the grand hall in Jerusalem, the place was filled with professionals and experts from around the world. He: כנס בינלאומי לארכיאולוגיה התנהל בשיאו. En: An international archaeology conference was at its peak. He: השמש…

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Sustainable Partnerships: A Market Meeting in Riga

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Rīgā, Centrāltirgus sirdī, kur saules stari atspīdēja uz dārzeņu kalniem un rindu rindām ar krāsainiem augļiem, Jānis un Laima satikās. En: In Riga, at the heart of the Central Market, where sunlight glinted off the vegetable mounds and rows upon rows of colorful fruits, Jānis and Laima…

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Spotlight: How Honesty Became Jordi’s Secret Ingredient

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: En un matí lluminós d’estiu, La Rambla estava plena de vida i colors. En: On a bright summer morning, La Rambla was full of life and color. Ca: Els turistes passejaven, capturant moments amb les seves càmeres. En: Tourists strolled, capturing moments with their cameras. Ca: Els…

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From Anxiety to Triumph: Kaito’s Neon-Lit Transformation

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の日差しが降り注ぐ渋谷、交差点は人々で溢れていた。 En: Under the bright summer sun in Shibuya, the intersection was overflowing with people. Ja: 祭りの香りが漂い、ネオンライトが街を鮮やかに染めていた。 En: The scent of the festival lingered in the air, and the neon lights vividly colored the city. Ja: この忙しさの中、海斗は心の中で静かな不安を抱えていた。 En: Amidst this hustle and bustle, Kaito harbored a quiet…

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Balancing Dreams and Reality on the Danube’s Edge

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Na nábreží Dunaja v Bratislave, keď slnko pomaly klesalo a obloha žiarila jemnými farbami neskorého leta, sa stretával svet prírody a ľudského pokroku. En: On the banks of the Danube in Bratislava, as the sun slowly descended and the sky glowed with the gentle hues of late…

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Unplanned Adventures: The Captivating Ljubljana Dragon Parade

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Na poletno jutro je bilo nebo nad Ljubljano jasno, in turistična skupina se je zbrala pri znamenitem Zmajskem mostu. En: On a summer morning, the sky above Ljubljana was clear, and a tourist group gathered at the famous Dragon Bridge. Sl: V ospredju je stala Irena, energična…

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Finding Courage: Oleksiy’s Artistic Breakthrough in Kyiv

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: У центрі Києва, влітку, Андріївський узвіз оживає від звуків музики і сміху. En: In the heart of Kyiv, during the summer, Andriyivskyy Descent comes alive with the sounds of music and laughter. Uk: Сонце ліниво гріє місто, і по всій вулиці стоять різнобарвні намети ремісників. En: The…

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