From Pressure to Pleasure: A Midsummer’s Day at Östermalmstorg

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solen sken över Östermalmstorgs torg. En: The sun shone over Östermalmstorg’s square. Sv: Människor fyllde torget, glada och förväntansfulla inför midsommarfirandet. En: People filled the square, happy and excited for the Midsummer celebration. Sv: Blommor och jordgubbar prydde de små stånden. En: Flowers and strawberries adorned the…

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Finding the Soul of Geneva: An Artist’s Unexpected Impact

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Chloé se promenait dans les rues animées de Genève par un après-midi ensoleillé. En: Chloé strolled through the bustling streets of Geneva on a sunny afternoon. Fr: Le sommet international battait son plein, mais elle cherchait quelque chose de plus original que les discussions diplomatiques habituelles pour…

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Stormy Summits: A Journey of Friendship & Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Núi Bà Đen nổi bật dưới ánh sao, tỏa sáng dưới bầu trời mùa hè. En: Ba Den Mountain stood out under the starlight, shining beneath the summer sky. Vi: Linh, An, và Minh đến đây từ tối qua để cắm trại, nằm dưới bầu trời đầy…

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Olli’s Transformative Triumph: From Fear to Global Impact

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Keskellä vilkasta kansainvälistä huippukokousta, jota pidetään suuressa konferenssisalissa, on Olli. En: In the midst of a busy international summit taking place in a large conference hall, there is Olli. Fi: Lippuja roikkuu salin katosta. En: Flags hang from the ceiling, each representing a different country. Fi: Nuorten…

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Finding Solace: Anong’s Journey at Bangkok’s Sacred Temple

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ฝนตกเบาๆ ในกรุงเทพฯ บรรยากาศเย็นสบายขณะที่คริตและอนงค์เดินเข้าสู่บริเวณวัดพระแก้ว En: It was lightly raining in Bangkok, creating a cool and pleasant atmosphere as Krit and Anong walked into the grounds of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. Th: หลังคาทองเรืองรองท่ามกลางท้องฟ้าที่ปกคลุมด้วยเมฆฝน En: The golden roof gleamed amidst the cloudy, rain-filled sky. Th: หยดน้ำฝนตกบนหลังคาเป็นจังหวะดนตรีแห่งความสงบ En: Raindrops…

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Fashionable Finds: Balancing Budget and Trends This Autumn

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在国际顶峰购物中心,阳光透过天窗洒下温暖的光,购物者们穿梭于商店之间。 En: At the International Pinnacle Shopping Center, sunlight streamed through the skylights, casting a warm glow as shoppers moved between stores. Zh: 空气中弥漫着附近小贩烤栗子的香味,营造出浓厚的秋季氛围。 En: The air was filled with the aroma of roasted chestnuts from nearby vendors, creating a strong autumn atmosphere. Zh: 连、慧和美走进购物中心,准备为秋天添置新装。…

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Unveiling Ancestral Stories Beneath Borobudur’s Shadows

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Hari itu, matahari bersinar terang di atas Candi Borobudur. En: That day, the sun shone brightly over Borobudur Temple. Id: Langit biru cerah menambah keindahan candi batu kuno yang menjulang megah di tengah-tengah pepohonan hijau lebat. En: The clear blue sky enhanced the beauty of the ancient…

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Love, Fainting, and Discoveries on the Shores of Santorini

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Από το παράθυρο του μικρού της δωματίου, η Ελένη κοίταγε το γαλάζιο της θάλασσας να αγκαλιάζει το νησί. En: From the window of her small room, Eleni watched the azure sea embrace the island. El: Ήταν καλοκαίρι, και το αιγαιοπελαγίτικο φως έλουζε τα σοκάκια της Σαντορίνης. En:…

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Aistė’s Leap: Finding Courage at Parque Ibirapuera

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulė anksti kėlėsi virš medžių, apšviesdama Parque Ibirapuera ryškiais žiemos spinduliais. En: The sun rose early above the trees, illuminating Parque Ibirapuera with bright winter rays. Lt: Parkas buvo gyvybingas, pripildytas kūrybingos energijos. En: The park was vibrant, filled with creative energy. Lt: Spalvingi meniniai kūriniai puošė…

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Red Revelations: A Tomato Festival Tale of Hidden Love

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba intensamente sobre Buñol mientras la plaza principal albergaba un mar rojo de tomates. En: The sun shone brightly over Buñol as the main square hosted a sea of red tomatoes. Es: Era el festival de La Tomatina y la gente reía y bailaba al…

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