Conquering Fears: Ngọc’s Return to Ha Long Bay

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Mặt trời mùa hè lấp lánh trên bầu trời, chiếu xuống làn nước xanh ngọc bích của vịnh Hạ Long. En: The summer sun glitters in the sky, shining down on the emerald waters of Ha Long Bay. Vi: Những đảo đá vôi sừng sững nổi bật…

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Chasing Sunsets and Finding Friendships in Old Town

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Maarika istus kohvikus Tornide väljakul, pilk suunatud mööda kõndivatele turistidele ja õhus hõljuvale suve lõhnale. En: Maarika sat in a café at Tornide Square, her gaze fixed on the passing tourists and the scent of summer lingering in the air. Et: Tallinnas, vanalinna kitsastel munakivitänavatel, oli elu…

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Bridging Tradition and Innovation on Tel Aviv’s Shores

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: תקופה קיצית התגלגלה על חופי תל אביב, והחוף היה מלא באנשים שבילו תחת השמש הזורחת. En: A summer period rolled over the beaches of Tel Aviv, and the shore was filled with people enjoying the radiant sun. He: בינות הרוח החרישית והגלים השובבים, אליאב, מארגן קהילתי נלהב,…

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Sailing Through Storms: Finding Clarity in Hamburg’s Harbor

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne schien hell über dem Hamburger Hafen. En: The sun shone brightly over the Hamburg harbor. De: Die Möwen kreischten und stahlen die Aufmerksamkeit der Besucher. En: Seagulls screeched, capturing the attention of visitors. De: Es war Spätsommer und die Luft war angenehm warm. En: It…

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Summer Reconciliation: A Tale of Sibling Bonds in Piran

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Vlažno poletno jutro je ovijalo Piran v topel objem. En: A moist summer morning enveloped Piran in a warm embrace. Sl: Mesto je bilo polno energije, z vonjem po soli in morju, ki je bil prisoten povsod. En: The town was full of energy, with the scent…

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Milan’s Colorful Transformation in Split’s Market

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Милан је стајао на почетку пијаце у Сплиту, окружен мирисима свежег воћа и сланим ваздухом мора. En: Milan stood at the entrance of the market in Split, surrounded by the scents of fresh fruit and the salty sea air. Sr: Са њим је била Ивана, колегиница коју…

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Rhys’ Awakening: Finding Freedom Beyond the Corporate Cycle

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Ar fore haf heulog, roedd Bae Caerdydd yn brysur. En: On a sunny morning, Cardiff Bay was bustling. Cy: Plant yn rhedeg o gwmpas, teuluoedd yn mwynhau’r tywydd, a sŵn y dŵr yn lapio yn erbyn y cwch yn llenwi’r awyr. En: Children ran around, families enjoyed…

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Capturing Ganesh Chaturthi: Aarav’s Lens and Life Lessons

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: मॉनसून की नमी और त्योहार की खुशबू से सराबोर, मुंबई के गेटवे ऑफ इंडिया के आसपास की गलियां आज खास थीं। En: Drenched in the monsoon humidity and the fragrance of the festival, the streets around Mumbai’s Gateway of India were special today. Hi: गणेश चतुर्थी की…

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Capturing Stories: Rani’s Journey at Jimbaran Beach Market

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Suara deburan ombak di Pantai Jimbaran menemani malam yang hangat. En: The sound of waves crashing at Jimbaran Beach accompanied the warm night. Id: Aroma seafood bakar mengisi udara. En: The aroma of grilled seafood filled the air. Id: Rani berjalan sendirian, memegang kameranya. En: Rani walked…

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Embrace the Unplanned: Love & Adventure on the Danube

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Bratislavské nábrežie sa kúpa v zlatistých lúčoch letného slnka. En: The Bratislava riverfront is bathed in the golden rays of the summer sun. Sk: Vynára sa pocit posledných teplých dní skôr, ako príde jeseň. En: There’s a sense of the last warm days before autumn comes. Sk:…

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