Unearthing Secrets: A Journey Through Ancestral Magic

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In het hart van de late Hollandse zomer stond een oude tempel, verborgen onder een deken van dicht begroeide klimop. En: In the heart of the late Dutch summer, there stood an old temple, hidden under a blanket of thick-grown ivy. Nl: De lucht was zwaar met…

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Hidden Heritage: Ana’s Enchanted Journey Through Plitvice

Fluent Fiction – Croatian www.FluentFiction.org/Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Ana je uvijek voljela istraživati. En: Ana always loved exploring. Hr: U srcu Hrvatske leže Plitvička jezera, mjesto gdje je njezina majka često dolazila. En: In the heart of Croatia lie the Plitvice Lakes, a place her mother often visited. Hr: Ana i njezin prijatelj Luka hodali…

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The Midnight Bell: Unveiling Kyoto’s Mystical Temple Secrets

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 山々に囲まれた京都の隠れた寺。 En: A hidden temple surrounded by the mountains of Kyoto. Ja: そこは夏の夜、雲海の中にぽっかりと浮かぶ場所でした。 En: In summer nights, it would float serenely in a sea of clouds. Ja: 夏の祭り、盆がやってくると、伝統的な灯籠が道を照らし、寺の静寂を神秘的に盛り上げます。 En: When the summer festival, Obon, arrived, traditional lanterns lit the path and added a mystical ambiance to the…

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From Truffles to Triumph: Luca’s Ferragosto Feast

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole di agosto illuminava il mercato vicino al Colosseo, mentre una leggera brezza portava profumi di basilico fresco e pomodori maturi. En: The August sun illuminated the market near the Colosseum, while a light breeze carried the scents of fresh basil and ripe tomatoes. It: Le…

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Unveiling Secrets: A Quest in the Chiang Mai Rainforest

Fluent Fiction – Thai www.FluentFiction.org/Thai Story Transcript: Th: ท่ามกลางเสียงฝนที่โปรยปรายหนักลงมาจากฟ้า เสียงธรรมชาติดังก้องไปทั่วป่าชื้นรอบ ๆ วัดโบราณที่ซ่อนอยู่ในป่าดิบชื้นเชียงใหม่ En: Amidst the sound of heavy rain pouring from the sky, the noise of nature echoed throughout the lush forest surrounding an ancient temple hidden in the rainforests of Chiang Mai. Th: ซุนนาน ยืนมองไปยังวัดโบราณที่ถูกปกคลุมด้วยไม้เลื้อยและกิ่งใบไม้ แสดงถึงอายุยืนของสถานที่นี้ En: Sunnan stood gazing at the ancient temple…

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Finding Solitude and Friendship in the Black Forest

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: Im Herzen des Schwarzwaldes, wo die Tannen hoch in den Himmel ragen und das Licht durch das Blätterdach tanzt, lebt Klaus. En: In the heart of the Black Forest, where the fir trees reach high into the sky and the light dances through the canopy, lives Klaus.…

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Hien’s Journey: Blending Tradition with Modern Flavors

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trên đỉnh ngọn đồi xanh mượt, ngôi đền ẩn mình giữa cảnh sắc thiên nhiên kỳ ảo. En: On the peak of the verdant hill, the temple hid itself amidst the magical natural landscape. Vi: Làng xóm dưới đồi như bức tranh bình yên, nơi Hien trở…

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Sunset at the Hill of Crosses: A Tale of Friendship & Artistry

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Saulė lėtai leidosi už horizontą, apšviesdama Kryžių kalną auksiniu švytėjimu. En: The sun was slowly setting behind the horizon, casting a golden glow over the Hill of Crosses. Lt: Ši vieta buvo ypatinga. En: This place was special. Lt: Kryžiai, mažieji ir dideli, mediniai ir metaliniai, stovėjo…

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Perils & Friendship: An Adventure in Brecon Beacons

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Yn nyfnder Gwarchodfa Natur Bannau Brycheiniog, mae’r haul haf yn chware cysgodion dros y cerrig hen yn y Deml Cudd. En: In the depths of Brecon Beacons Nature Reserve, the summer sun plays shadows over the ancient stones of the Hidden Temple. Cy: Mae’r awel ysgafn yn…

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Mystery of the Ancient Mounds: An Unforgettable Field Trip

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Solen sken varmt över Gamla Uppsala. En: The sun shone warmly over Old Uppsala. Sv: Det var den första dagen i den nya skolan för Erik, Ingrid och Johan. En: It was the first day at the new school for Erik, Ingrid, and Johan. Sv: Eleverna skulle…

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