Summer Storms and Unbreakable Bonds: A Hike to Remember

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Latvijas vasara ir karsta un zaļa. En: The summer in Latvia is hot and green. Lv: Visiem šķiet, ka šodien būs perfekta diena pārgājienam. En: Everyone feels today will be a perfect day for a hike. Lv: Aldis, Elina un Māris sāk savu ceļu pa Gaujas Nacionālo…

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Chasing Storm Clouds: A Journey Through Lahemaa’s Trails

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Kadi, Uku ja Mari seiklesid hilissuvel Lahemaa rahvuspargis. En: Kadi, Uku, and Mari were exploring Lahemaa National Park in late summer. Et: Taevas oli peamiselt selge, kuid kaugelt paistis tumedaid pilvi. En: The sky was mostly clear, but dark clouds were visible in the distance. Et: Mets…

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Unveiling the Mysteries of Brú na Bóinne

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí grianmhar lá ag Brú na Bóinne. En: It was a sunny day at Brú na Bóinne. Ga: Bhí Aoife, Cormac, agus Eoghan ag siúl tríd an seanfhoirgintí, áit ina bhfuil scéalta ársa ag fanacht lena n-imscrúdú. En: Aoife, Cormac, and Eoghan were walking through the ancient…

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Facing Fears: Amelia’s Journey Through Nature and Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die oggendlug was koel en helder by Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin. En: The morning was cool and clear at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. Af: Die klank van die voëls se vrolike gesang het die stilte gevul. En: The cheerful singing of the birds filled the silence. Af:…

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Reuniting on Margaret Island: Finding Lost Bonds

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Margit-sziget nyári varázsa Budapest közepén terült el. En: Margaret Island’s summer magic stretched out in the middle of Budapest. Hu: A napfény szűrődött át a fák lombján, a folyó lassan folydogált körülötte. En: Sunlight filtered through the trees’ leaves, and the river flowed slowly around it. Hu:…

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Lanterns of Borobudur: A Journey of Connection and Culture

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di bawah langit cerah Borobudur, di tengah musim kemarau yang panas, ribuan orang berkumpul untuk merayakan Hari Vesak. En: Under the clear skies of Borobudur, amid the scorching dry season, thousands gathered to celebrate Vesak Day. Id: Hari itu terasa istimewa, dengan candi yang menjulang megah dikelilingi…

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Secrets of the Hidden Temple: Katarína’s Enchanting Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: V tieni mohutných hôr Veľkej Fatry, skryté pred zvedavými očami turistov, stálo tajomné starodávne chrámové miesto. En: In the shadow of the mighty mountains of the Great Fatra, hidden from the curious eyes of tourists, stood a mysterious ancient temple site. Sk: Katarína, mladá a dobrodružná botanička,…

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Seoul’s Reunion: Siblings Rediscover Family at Gyeongbokgung

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 여름 햇살이 따뜻하게 비추는 날, 경복궁은 여행객들로 북적이고 있었다. En: On a day when the summer sun warmly shone down on Seoul, Gyeongbokgung Palace was bustling with tourists. Ko: 조선 시대의 웅장한 건축물들은 지금도 그 아름다움을 자랑하며 서 있다. En: The grand buildings from the Joseon…

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Uncovering Secrets: A Unique Tour of Wieliczka Salt Mine

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Pod ziemią, gdzie czas zdaje się zwalniać, Marek przygotowywał się do kolejnej wycieczki po słynnej Kopalni Soli w Wieliczce. En: Underground, where time seems to slow down, Marek was preparing for another tour of the famous Wieliczka Salt Mine. Pl: Lato przyniosło tłumy turystów, ale dziś jego…

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Hidden Secrets of Saint Sophia: Oksana’s Unyielding Quest

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Багряне світло заходу сонця золотило башти Собору Святої Софії в Києві. En: The crimson light of the sunset gilded the towers of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Uk: У повітрі ще віяло літнім теплом, хоча осінь вже підступала. En: The air still carried a hint of summer…

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