Love in the Rain: Arun’s Mountain Proposal

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: हरी-भरी घाटी के बीचों बीच, जहाँ आसमान नीला और पहाड़ों की चोटियाँ सफेद कपड़ों में लिपटी रहती थीं, अरुण और प्रिया का बैकपैकिंग ट्रिप शुरू हुआ। En: In the lush green valley, where the sky stayed blue and mountain peaks were wrapped in white, Arun and Priya’s…

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Lukas’ Leap: A Castle, Courage, and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Lukas stand am Fenster des Busses und blickte auf die grüne Landschaft Bayerns. En: Lukas stood by the bus window and gazed out at the green landscape of Bavaria. De: Die Sonne strahlte über die Hügel, als der Bus sich dem Schloss Neuschwanstein näherte. En: The sun…

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Finding Connection: A Journey Through the High Tatras

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: V neskotnej lete vyskúmal Marek úchvatnú krásu Vysokých Tatier. En: In the countless summers, Marek explored the breathtaking beauty of the High Tatras. Sk: Bol to jeho obľúbený čas na túry. En: It was his favorite time for hiking. Sk: Slnko zlacovalo lúče a stromy prekrývali jemný…

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Secrets Beneath the Mermaid: A Copenhagen Mystery Unveiled

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Nær havnefronten, hvor den lille havfrue sidder og kigger længselsfuldt ud mod havet, vrimler det med turister. En: Near the waterfront, where the Little Mermaid sits gazing longingly out to sea, the place is bustling with tourists. Da: Solen kaster et gyldent skær over den ikoniske statue.…

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How Ariel Conquered Her Self-Doubt on Rocky Mountain Climbs

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: הרי הסלע היו מרשימים. En: The rocky mountains were impressive. He: מתחת לשמש הקיץ החמה, ההרים נראים חדים ועוצמתיים. En: Beneath the hot summer sun, the mountains appeared sharp and powerful. He: האוויר היה צלול וריח של אורנים מילא את המקום. En: The air was clear, and…

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Capturing Confidence at Rila Monastery: A Photographic Journey

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Великолепието на Рилския манастир озаряваше хоризонта, като накараше сърцето на Вeселин да потрепва с вълнение и малко страх. En: The magnificence of the Rila Monastery illuminated the horizon, causing Veselin’s heart to flutter with excitement and a hint of fear. Bg: В този първи ден на училищната…

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Unexpected Paths to Beauty: A Carpathian Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Олександр і Катерина вирушили в пригоду до Карпатських гір. En: Oleksandr and Kateryna embarked on an adventure to the Carpathian Mountains. Uk: Це було літо, і гори були зелені, живописні. En: It was summer, and the mountains were green and picturesque. Uk: Сонце світило яскраво, і птахи…

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Fortress of Dreams: A Journey Through Time and Dedication

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Под златним светлом касног летњег дана, древни зидови Београдске тврђаве бацали су сенке на радњу која се одвијала испод. En: Under the golden light of a late summer day, the ancient walls of Belgrade Fortress cast shadows on the scene unfolding below. Sr: Милош и Ана су…

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Trail of Renewal: A Journey through Nature and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Na úpatí majestátních hor Rocky Mountain National Park začíná dobrodružství. En: At the foot of the majestic Rocky Mountain National Park, an adventure begins. Cs: Jiří, s těžkým srdcem, kráčí pomalu po úzké stezce. En: Jiří, with a heavy heart, walks slowly along the narrow trail. Cs:…

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Dancing Dassies: Surprising Thrills on Table Mountain

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die lug was helder en vars op Tafelberg daardie winteroggend. En: The air was clear and fresh on Table Mountain that winter morning. Af: Die wind het liggies gewaai en die uitsigte oor Kaapstad het gerek tot waar die oseaan die hemel ontmoet. En: The wind blew…

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