Laughter and Seagulls: An Unexpected Dubrovnik Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Luka je sjedio u kafiću na uskoj ulici u Dubrovniku, u Starom Gradu. En: Luka was sitting in a café in a narrow street in Dubrovnik’s Old Town. Hr: Sunce je blistalo nad kamenim kućama, a more se nježno ljuljalo u pozadini. En: The sun shone brightly…

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A Catalan Culinary Quest: Spice, Love, and Lesson Learned

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol de verano brillaba sobre el Mercado de la Boqueria. En: The summer sun shone over the Mercat de la Boqueria. Es: La atmósfera estaba viva con los colores y aromas de frutas frescas, especias exóticas y delicias catalanas. En: The atmosphere was alive with the…

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Courage in the Tatras: A Journey of Discovery and Unity

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W Tatrach, gdy sierpień przesuwał się ku schyłkowi, góry rozkwitały zielenią, a wierzchołki skał otulała lekka mgła. En: In the Tatras, as August drew to a close, the mountains bloomed with greenery, and a light mist embraced the mountain peaks. Pl: Marcelina, przewodniczka górska, była pełna energii,…

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Culinary Magic: Crafting a Soufflé Under Rocky Mountain Skies

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Το ηλιοβασίλεμα έβαφε τον ουρανό με χρώματα κάτω από τις κορυφές των Βραχωδών Όρων. En: The sunset painted the sky with colors beneath the peaks of the Rocky Mountains. El: Η Ελένη κοίταξε τον Νίκο από την άλλη πλευρά της φωτιάς. En: Helen looked at Nikos from…

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Hidden Secrets of the Colosseum: A Ferragosto Adventure Unfolds

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il caldo sole estivo brillava alto nel cielo azzurro sopra Roma. En: The hot summer sun shone high in the blue sky over Rome. It: Il Colosseo era un vivace mare di turisti, tutti intenti a godersi il Ferragosto. En: The Colosseum was a lively sea of…

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Rekindling Friendship: Elin’s Quest for the Perfect Gift

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Elin satt vid ett mysigt café i Stockholm. En: Elin sat at a cozy café in Stockholm. Sv: Utanför fönstret kunde hon se Gamla Stans charmiga färger dansa i sensommarens ljus. En: Outside the window, she could see the charming colors of Gamla Stan dancing in the…

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Lucien’s Bold Leap: Artistry and Courage in Montmartre

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: À Montmartre, sous le ciel doux de la fin d’été, Lucien se tenait devant son chevalet. En: In Montmartre, under the gentle sky of late summer, Lucien stood in front of his easel. Fr: Les rues étaient vivantes. En: The streets were alive. Fr: Les artistes et…

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Daring Sea Adventure: The Quest to Save Eero’s Crocodile

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Värikäs kesäpäivä valloitti Helsingin rannikon. En: A colorful summer day took over the coastline of Helsinki. Fi: Vesi välkehti kilpaa auringon kanssa, ja ihmiset nauttivat heinäkuun helteestä. En: The water shimmered in competition with the sun, and people enjoyed the July heat. Fi: Mikael, Tuuli ja Eero…

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Finding Luka: Discovering Passion in Triglav National Park

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Luka je stal na robu velikega travnika. En: Luka stood at the edge of a large meadow. Sl: Triglavski narodni park se je pred njim raztezal v svojem čudovitem sijaju. En: The Triglav National Park stretched out before him in its splendid glory. Sl: Poletje je bilo…

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Love in the Rain: Arun’s Mountain Proposal

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: हरी-भरी घाटी के बीचों बीच, जहाँ आसमान नीला और पहाड़ों की चोटियाँ सफेद कपड़ों में लिपटी रहती थीं, अरुण और प्रिया का बैकपैकिंग ट्रिप शुरू हुआ। En: In the lush green valley, where the sky stayed blue and mountain peaks were wrapped in white, Arun and Priya’s…

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