Overcoming Fear: A Heartwarming Tale at Jakarta Hospital

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian www.FluentFiction.org/Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah hiruk-pikuk Rumah Sakit Jakarta, Adi berdiri dengan gelisah di luar ruangan anak-anak. En: Amid the hustle and bustle of Jakarta Hospital, Adi stood anxiously outside the children’s room. Id: Matanya tertuju pada dinding yang dipenuhi poster warna-warni dan gambar-gambar hasil karya anak-anak. En: His eyes…

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The First Step to Courage: Young Kert’s Hospital Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Päikesepaistelisel suvehommikul kogunesid Tallinnas koolilapsed haigla ees põneva ekskursiooni tarbeks. En: On a sunny summer morning, school children gathered in front of a hospital in Tallinn for an exciting excursion. Et: Kooliõpilased, nende seas ka Kaheteistaastane Kert ja tema klassiõde Liina, vaatasid uudishimulikult haigla suuri klaasuksi. En:…

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Rediscovering Life: A Day in Budapest’s Heroes’ Square

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: László feszült reggelre ébredt, az asztalán halmozódó munkákra gondolt. En: László woke up tense, thinking about the pile of work on his desk. Hu: De ma más nap volt. En: But today was different. Hu: Ma úgy döntött, hogy félreteszi a munkát, és a lányával, Enikővel tölt…

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Choosing Healing: A Champion’s Journey to Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Лятното слънце грееше ярко през прозореца на болничната стая. En: The summer sun shone brightly through the hospital room window. Bg: Мека светлина озаряваше малката стая, изпълнена със звуци от коридора – стъпки на посетители и шепот на медицински сестри. En: A soft light illuminated the small…

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Siobhan’s Adventure at the Giant’s Causeway

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí an ghrian ag taitneamh go hiontach ar an Chlochán an Aifir sa samhradh, áit iontach ag Siobhan agus a cairde ón scoil a bhí ar turas. En: The sun was shining wonderfully on the Giant’s Causeway during the summer, a fantastic place where Siobhan and her…

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Harmony of Life: A Father’s Choice Between Music and Family

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Στο νοσοκομείο της Αθήνας, ένα καλοκαιρινό πρωινό, ο Ανδρέας περπατούσε μπρος-πίσω. En: In the hospital of Athens, on a summer morning, Andreas was pacing back and forth. El: Ο ήλιος έλουζε το δωμάτιο από τα μεγάλα παράθυρα. En: The sun flooded the room through the large windows.…

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Crafting Friendship: The Artisan’s Path to Success

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Soarele dimineața colora cerul într-un portocaliu aprins, iar Transfăgărășanul fremăta de viață. En: The morning sun painted the sky in a bright orange, and the Transfăgărășan was bustling with life. Ro: Pe marginea drumului, piața deschisă se pregătea de o zi aglomerată. En: By the roadside, the…

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Braving the Storm: A Ranger’s Redemption in the Rockies

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Bram stond stil bij de rand van een klif. En: Bram stood still at the edge of a cliff. Nl: De Rocky Mountains strekten zich uit voor hem. En: The Rocky Mountains stretched out before him. Nl: De zon scheen normaal fel in de zomer, maar vandaag…

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Sculpting Friendships: A Contest of Sand and Spirit

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian www.FluentFiction.org/Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vasaros saulė ryškiai švietė virš Kuršių Nerijos, baltos smėlio kopos atrodė kaip aukso bangos. En: The summer sun shone brightly over the Curonian Spit, and the white sand dunes looked like waves of gold. Lt: Eglė stovėjo šalia savo skulptūros pradžios — smėlio kalnelis, kuris turėjo virsti…

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Turning Tides: Eleri’s Triumph in Smoky Mountain Conservation

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Yng nghanol Safleoedd Rhyfeddod y Byd, mae mynyddoedd mawr y Great Smoky yn ymestyn dros yr awyr las. En: Amid the Wonders of the World, the Great Smoky Mountains stretch across the blue sky. Cy: Dyma leoliad gwaith Eleri, gwyddonydd amgylcheddol penderfynol. En: This is the setting…

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