From Shy to Star: Jakub’s First-Day Transformation

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Ve třídě páté B na základní škole ve městě bylo cítit vzrušení. En: In class 5B at the elementary school in town, there was a buzz of excitement. Cs: Byl to první den nového školního roku. En: It was the first day of the new school year.…

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A Father’s Health Struggle: Finding Hope Beyond Diagnosis

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: У болници, која је одисала модерном једноставношћу, белила су се златна врата који су чинила део једног од ходника. En: In a hospital that exuded modern simplicity, there were golden doors that formed part of one of the hallways. Sr: Сунчани зраци летњег дана пробијали су кроз…

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Aviya’s Hilarious Adventure: Zoo Visit Sparks Imaginary Epidemic

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בית החולים היה עמוס באנשים ביום קיץ חם במיוחד. En: The hospital was bustling with people on an exceptionally hot summer day. He: המסדרונות נראו כסופת לבן עם גוונים של ירוק מחלוקות הרופאים. En: The corridors looked like a storm of white with shades of green from…

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Finding Heartfelt Farewells: A Nurse’s Journey at Cardiff

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae’r haul Awst yn tywynnu’n braf drwy ffenestri mawr ysbyty Caerdydd, gan ychwanegu diferyn o gynhesrwydd i’r llawdriniaethau dyddiol. En: The August sun shines brightly through the large windows of Cardiff hospital, adding a touch of warmth to the daily procedures. Cy: Mae Eleri, nyrs gydag enaid…

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Colors of Compassion: A Med Student’s Journey to Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto, illuminando il bianco abbagliante delle pareti dell’ospedale. En: The sun shone high, illuminating the blinding white of the hospital walls. It: Alessandro camminava per i corridoi, il cuore un po’ pesante. En: Alessandro walked through the corridors, his heart a bit heavy. It:…

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Unexpected Insights: Discovering Art’s Hidden Messages

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: In de drukte van het Rijksmuseum dwarrelt het zachte ochtendlicht door de glazen dakramen, waardoor de schilderijen nog levendiger lijken. En: In the bustling Rijksmuseum, soft morning light filters through the glass skylights, making the paintings appear even more vibrant. Nl: De gangen zijn gevuld met zachte…

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Facing Fears and Finding Hope: A Hospital Journey

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Sommerens milde stråler strømmede ind gennem de store vinduer i Rigs Hospitalet, og kastede et varmt lys over de sterile, hvide gange. En: The gentle rays of summer streamed through the large windows of the Royal Hospital, casting a warm glow over the sterile, white corridors. Da:…

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Balancing Budgets and Wishes: A Family’s Shopping Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El centro comercial estaba lleno de gente. En: The shopping mall was packed with people. Es: Era invierno en el hemisferio sur, y las familias se movían rápido para evitar el frío. En: It was winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and families were moving quickly to avoid…

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Finding Bright Blooms: A Brother’s Heartfelt Gesture

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Lukas seufzt tief. En: Lukas sighs deeply. De: Die Klinik ist groß, und der Geruch von Kaffee erfüllt die Cafeteria. En: The clinic is large, and the smell of coffee fills the cafeteria. De: Ärzte und Krankenschwestern holen sich eine kurze Pause. En: Doctors and nurses are…

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Overcoming Fear: A Heartwarming Tale at Jakarta Hospital

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah hiruk-pikuk Rumah Sakit Jakarta, Adi berdiri dengan gelisah di luar ruangan anak-anak. En: Amid the hustle and bustle of Jakarta Hospital, Adi stood anxiously outside the children’s room. Id: Matanya tertuju pada dinding yang dipenuhi poster warna-warni dan gambar-gambar hasil karya anak-anak. En: His eyes…

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