Unforgettable Family Bonds at Tivoli Gardens: A Summer’s Tale

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen skinnede højt over Tivoli Gardens i København. En: The sun shone high over Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen. Da: Det var sommer og parken var fyldt med glade stemmer og lyden af karusseller. En: It was summer, and the park was filled with happy voices and the…

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Love and Courage Bloom on Ivana Kupala Night

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Тепло літнього сонця освітлює село серед Карпатських гір. En: The warm summer sun brightens the village nestled in the Carpathian Mountains. Uk: Оксана стоїть біля своєї хатини, готуючи трави для ліків. En: Oksana stands by her cottage, preparing herbs for medicine. Uk: Вона замислено дивиться на ліс,…

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Melodies & High-Wires: A Tale of Courage at the Qixi Festival

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 在中国南方的一个风景如画的山区村庄,有一个中世纪主题的庆典。 En: In a picturesque mountain village in southern China, there is a medieval-themed celebration taking place. Zh: 小村子古老的石头路旁,五彩缤纷的帐篷和舞台点缀其间,空气中弥漫着香炉的气味,传统音乐声飘扬。 En: Colorful tents and stages dot the ancient stone paths of the small village, the air filled with the scent of incense and traditional music wafting…

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The Courage of Zoltán: Defeating the Mysterious Forest Creature

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A falu széleén, közel az erdőhöz, a kovács műhelyből kalapácsok zajai hallatszottak. En: At the edge of the village, near the forest, the sounds of hammers echoed from the smithy. Hu: Zoltán, a fiatal kovács, izzadsággal az arcán, keményen dolgozott. En: Zoltán, the young blacksmith, worked hard…

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Heartfelt Choices at the Winter Harvest Festival

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die dorpie was in volle feesstemming. En: The small village was in full festive spirits. Af: Die oesfees het die strate gevul met lag en sang. En: The harvest festival filled the streets with laughter and song. Af: Dit was winter in die suidelike halfrond. En: It…

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The Secret of Lake Bled: Guardians of Heritage

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Nad jezerom Bled se je razlivala zlata svetloba sončnega zahoda. En: Above Lake Bled, the golden light of the sunset spread out. Sl: Tadej je stal ob obali, njegov pogled pa je segal čez mirno modro površino jezera. En: Tadej stood by the shore, his gaze extending…

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A Merchant’s Mistake and the Magical Market Mix-Up

Fluent Fiction – Turkish www.FluentFiction.org/Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Ortaçağ pazarının ortasında, sıcağın ve gürültünün ortasında, genç bir tüccar olan Berk, umutla tezgahında duruyordu. En: In the middle of the medieval market, amid the heat and the noise, a young merchant named Berk stood at his stall with hope. Tr: Elinde parlayan bir tılsım vardı. En:…

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When Art and History Collide: A Summer in Montserrat

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol brillava alt al cel, il·luminant les esmolades cingleres de Montserrat. En: The sun shone high in the sky, illuminating the sharp cliffs of Montserrat. Ca: Les roques semblaven figures silencioses, guardians de secrets antics. En: The rocks looked like silent figures, guardians of ancient secrets.…

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Healing Hearts: Minjun’s Quest at the Danoh Festival

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 한여름의 더운 날, 젊은 약초상 민준은 다노 축제가 한창인 시장으로 들어갔다. En: On a hot midsummer day, Minjun, a young herbalist, entered the market bustling with the Danoh Festival. Ko: 시장은 사람들로 가득 차 있었고, 나무로 만든 가판대에는 다채로운 색깔의 깃발과 전통 부채가 걸려 있었다. En: The…

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From Rivals to Partners: A Culinary Festival Tale

Fluent Fiction – Japanese www.FluentFiction.org/Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 京の活気あふれる市場には、灯籠が美しくかかり、夏の空気には祭りの音楽と笑い声が響いていました。 En: In the vibrant market of Kyoto, lanterns hung beautifully, and the sounds of festival music and laughter echoed through the summer air. Ja: 平安時代の真っ只中、京都の市場ではお盆祭りが盛大に開かれていました。 En: During the height of the Heian period, the Obon festival was being grandly celebrated in Kyoto’s market. Ja: 市場の中ほどにある二つの屋台には、二人の若者が忙しく働いていました。 En:…

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