Heartfelt Sacrifices: A New School Year Begins for Aoife and Liam

Fluent Fiction – Irish www.FluentFiction.org/Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Laistigh den stór ollmhór, bhí Aoife agus Liam ag seasamh sa scuaine seic a bhí cosúil le nathair fhada a bhí síneadh amach timpeall an chúinne. En: Inside the massive store, Aoife and Liam stood in a checkout line that looked like a long snake stretching around…

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Courage Under Pressure: Elena’s Heroic Act in Sofia’s Schoolyard

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian www.FluentFiction.org/Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Летният слънчев ден в София беше перфектен за спортни състезания. En: The summer sunny day in Sofia was perfect for sports competitions. Bg: Училищният двор на публичната гимназия беше изпълнен с енергия и усмивки. En: The schoolyard of the public high school was filled with energy and…

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Alexis’ Brave Graduation Speech: Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Η πορτοκαλί ηλιαχτίδα που διαπερνούσε τις μεγάλες τζαμαρίες του αμφιθεάτρου κάλυπτε την σκηνή με ένα ζεστό καλοκαιρινό φως. En: The orange sunbeam that pierced through the large glass windows of the auditorium bathed the stage in a warm summer light. El: Ήταν η ημέρα της αποφοίτησης. En:…

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The Misplaced Backpack: Klaus’s Humor-Filled School Adventure

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: An diesem heißen Sommertag in der öffentlichen High School von Stadtburg war das Schulgebäude wie ein Bienenstock. En: On this hot summer day at the public high school in Stadtburg, the school building was like a beehive. De: Klaus, ein nervöser Schüler, der bald Prüfungen hatte, kämpfte…

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Locked In: How Teens Escaped and Triumphed on Stage

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Heinäkuun ilta oli lämmin, kun Eerika, Joonas ja Linnea lopettivat viimeisen harjoittelukerran koulun teatterissa Helsingissä. En: The July evening was warm as Eerika, Joonas, and Linnea finished their final rehearsal at the school theater in Helsinki. Fi: Aurinko oli jo laskemassa, ja kadut olivat tyhjiä. En: The…

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Overcoming Fears: A Lesson in Teamwork and Confidence

Fluent Fiction – Estonian www.FluentFiction.org/Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Tallinna Avalik Gümnaasium oli suvises kuumuses täis elu ja sagimist. En: Tallinn Public Gymnasium was full of life and bustle in the summer heat. Et: Kooli telliskiviseinad tõmbasid endasse soojust ja õhk oli täis nii õpilaste kui ka õpetajate hääli. En: The school’s brick walls absorbed the…

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Library Love: How Books Brought Two Hearts Together

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Влітку, коли сонце палило над містом, прохолодний повітря у публічній бібліотеці був немов рай. En: In the summer, when the sun scorched over the city, the cool air inside the public library felt like paradise. Uk: Великі вікна впускали вдосталь світла, і теплий промінь неначе гладив старі…

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A Friend’s Courage: Uncovering the Truth in Hanoi’s Heat

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Trường Trung học Công lập Hà Nội rộn ràng với những buổi học hè. En: Hanoi Public High School was bustling with summer classes. Vi: Học sinh đi lại nhộn nhịp trong cái nóng oi bức của mùa hè. En: Students moved about busily in the sweltering…

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Finding Balance: Ania and Marek’s Journey Beyond Grades

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W ciepłe letnie popołudnie w szkolnym dziedzińcu zebrało się wielu uczniów. En: On a warm summer afternoon, many students gathered in the school courtyard. Pl: Powietrze było pełne nerwowej energii. En: The air was filled with nervous energy. Pl: Kolorowe flagi i dekoracje wprowadzały przyjemną atmosferę. En:…

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Cape Town High School’s Culture Day: Triumph Over Adversity

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans www.FluentFiction.org/Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: In die hartjie van die koue Kaapse winter, by ‘n openbare hoërskool, was daar ‘n gedruis. En: In the heart of the cold Cape Town winter, at a public high school, there was a buzz. Af: Die skool se gange was vol leerders wat oor een ding…

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