Unveiled Talents: A Transformative Snowdonia School Trip

Fluent Fiction – Welsh www.FluentFiction.org/Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Mae’r haul yn tywynnu dros Ysgol Gyfun Canol Caerdydd. En: The sun is shining over Cardiff Central Comprehensive School. Cy: Mae myfyrwyr yn cerdded ar hyd y coridorau prysur. En: Students are walking along the busy corridors. Cy: Mae Alys yn sefyll wrth y drws, yn edrych…

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Finding Friendship and Confidence: A Summer Shopping Tale

Fluent Fiction – Korean www.FluentFiction.org/Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 따가운 여름 햇볕 아래, 지수, 민호, 하나는 동네 문구점으로 향했습니다. En: Under the scorching summer sun, Jisoo, Minho, and Hana headed to the neighborhood stationery store. Ko: 문구점은 활기찬 시장 골목에 위치해 있었고, 곳곳에 색색의 노트와 펜들이 눈에 띄었습니다. En: The store was located in a bustling…

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A Year of Discovery: Friendship and Growth in Senior Year

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew Story Transcript: He: עם השמש החזקה של סוף הקיץ והחולצה הלבנה שעל גופו, נעם הרגיש פרפרים בבטן. En: With the strong end-of-summer sun and the white shirt on his body, Noam felt butterflies in his stomach. He: היום הראשון של שנת הלימודים הבוגרת הגיע. En: The first day of senior…

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A Courageous Leap: Eszter’s Bold Confession to Bence

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nyári nap sugarai ragyogtak az ódon, mégis bájos középiskola udvarán. En: The summer sun’s rays shone brightly on the courtyard of the old yet charming high school. Hu: Virágok nyíltak mindenhol, és a végzős diákok az utolsó hetek nyüzsgő izgalmát élték. En: Flowers bloomed everywhere, and…

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Balancing Tradition and Progress: Ming’s Valedictorian Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 明是一名雄心勃勃的学生,也是毕业演讲的优秀毕业生。 En: Ming is an ambitious student and also the valedictorian of his graduating class. Zh: 六月的夏天,高中礼堂里挤满了毕业生和他们的家人。 En: In the summer month of June, the high school auditorium was packed with graduates and their families. Zh: 礼堂里挂满了彩带和横幅,台上摆放着一个讲台。 En: The hall was decorated with ribbons and…

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The Midnight Mystery: Anca’s Quest to Find the Missing Trophy

Fluent Fiction – Romanian www.FluentFiction.org/Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Școala publică era veche și impunătoare. En: The public school was old and imposing. Ro: În mijlocul coridoarelor lungi și întunecate, existau multe povești ascunse. En: In the middle of the long, dark corridors, many hidden stories existed. Ro: Una dintre aceste povești a devenit scopul Ancăi,…

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Balancing Acts: A Tale of Discipline and Creativity in Ljubljana

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian www.FluentFiction.org/Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljana je poleti vedno polna življenja. En: Ljubljana is always full of life in the summer. Sl: Šole so v zadnjem tednu pred poletnimi počitnicami in dijaki so živčni zaradi zaključnih izpitov. En: Schools are in the last week before summer vacation, and students are anxious about…

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Unveiling Secrets: A School Diary’s Hidden Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Hindi www.FluentFiction.org/Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: दिल्ली पब्लिक हाई स्कूल की लाइब्रेरी हमेशा से आरव का पसंदीदा जगह थी। En: The library of Delhi Public High School had always been Aarav’s favorite place. Hi: वहां का माहौल उसे शांति और ध्यान केंद्रित करने में मदद करता था। En: The atmosphere there helped him…

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Under the Oak Tree: A Tale of Friendship and Courage

Fluent Fiction – Serbian www.FluentFiction.org/Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Под топлим сунцем летњег дана, школско двориште је било пуно ученика. En: Under the warm sun of a summer day, the schoolyard was full of students. Sr: Милан је седео у хладу великог храста и пажљиво учио историју. En: Milan was sitting in the shade of a…

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From Anxious Tears to Academic Triumph: A Study Session Unveiled

Fluent Fiction – French www.FluentFiction.org/French Story Transcript: Fr: Le soleil d’été brillait à travers les fenêtres de la bibliothèque publique. En: The summer sun shone through the windows of the public library. Fr: Les rayons lumineux créaient un jeu d’ombres sur le sol carrelé. En: The bright rays created a play of shadows on the…

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