Reviving School Spirits: A Game-Changing Fundraiser Twist

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Sommarsolen strålade över skolgården. En: The summer sun shone over the schoolyard. Sv: Flaggorna vajade och det doftade av grillat kött. En: Flags waved, and the scent of grilled meat filled the air. Sv: Lena, Mats och Einar stod vid ett av de färgglada stånden. En: Lena,…

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Golden Pea Day: A Tale of Resilience and Community Spirit

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Jūra raugās uz Jurmalciema pludmali, kur smilšu smiltis sajaucas ar viļņu radīto ritmu. En: The sea looked out over the beach of Jurmalciems, where the grains of sand mixed with the rhythm created by the waves. Lv: Andris stāvēja uz krasta un vēroja Baltijas jūras plašo ūdeņu,…

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Rescue, Romance, and a Fire Alarm: A Summer Tale in Istanbul

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Ece, lisenin koridorlarında koşturuyordu. En: Ece was running through the high school corridors. Tr: Yaz sıcağı dışarıda, İstanbul’un sokaklarını kavuruyordu. En: The summer heat was scorching the streets of Istanbul outside. Tr: Ece, sevimli bir sokak kedisinin peşine düşmüştü. En: Ece had chased after a cute street…

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Igniting Passion: How One Teacher Transformed History Lessons

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En un frío lunes de julio, el sol apenas daba señales de vida sobre Buenos Aires. En: On a cold Monday in July, the sun barely showed any signs of life over Buenos Aires. Es: El aula de historia de la Escuela Pública N°12 estaba llena. En:…

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Balancing Dreams: A Journey of Study, Summer, and Self-Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De bel ging en leerlingen stroomden de gangen van de middelbare school binnen. En: The bell rang and students poured into the hallways of the high school. Nl: Sanne liep naar haar kluisje en pakte haar boeken. En: Sanne walked to her locker and grabbed her books.…

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Unexpected Bonds: A History-Lover’s Journey at Karlštejn Castle

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: V prázdninovém létě, kdy sluneční paprsky zahřívaly starobylé hradby Karlštejna, čekala třída studentů z veřejné střední školy na autobus. En: In the summer holidays, when the sun’s rays warmed the ancient walls of Karlštejn, a class of students from a public high school was waiting for the…

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Strength in Vulnerability: Natthaphong’s Rainy Day Realization

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: ในหนึ่งเช้าที่มหาวิทยาลัยสาธารณะในกรุงเทพฯ ฝนตกหนัก จนน้ำจากหน้าต่างเปียกทั้งพื้นห้อง En: On one rainy morning at a public university in Bangkok, the rain was pouring so heavily that water from the window soaked the entire classroom floor. Th: นัฐพงศ์ นั่งอยู่ในห้องเรียน เครียดกับการนำเสนอที่สำคัญ En: Natthaphong sat in the classroom, stressed about an important presentation. Th: วันนี้เขาต้องแสดงความสามารถให้ครูและเพื่อนเห็น…

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A Summer Night’s Dream: Haruki’s Musical Journey of Courage

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏休みが始まった日の、晴れた朝でした。 En: It was a sunny morning on the day summer vacation began. Ja: 京都公共高校の教室には、最後の授業を楽しむ生徒たちの声が響いていました。 En: The voices of students enjoying their final class echoed through the classrooms of Kyoto Public High School. Ja: 教室の窓からは、夏の陽射しが差し込み、緑のグラウンドが見えていました。 En: Through the classroom windows, the summer sunlight streamed in, and the…

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When Music Unites: A Tale of Friendship, Courage, and Change

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Ranné slnko prenikalo do veľkých okien starého gymnázia a ožarovalo dlážku svetlom, ktoré sa odrážalo od lesklých parkiet. En: The morning sun penetrated the large windows of the old high school, illuminating the floor with light reflected off the shiny parquet. Sk: Ján kráčal pomaly po chodbe,…

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Unveiling Zagreb’s School Mystery: Ana’s Brave Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: U školskom dvorištu, sunce je sjalo visoko na ljetnom nebu. En: In the schoolyard, the sun was shining high in the summer sky. Hr: Bio je srpanj, a škola u Zagrebu je bila prazna. En: It was July, and the school in Zagreb was empty. Hr: Ali…

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