Surviving the Kalahari: Karel’s Unconventional Desert Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: Die Kalahari Woestyn strek wyd en ver, met golwende duine en min skaduwee. En: The Kalahari Desert stretches far and wide, with rolling dunes and little shade. Af: Dit is winter, en die lug is onverwags koud. En: It is winter, and the air is unexpectedly cold.…

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A Weekend by the Dead Sea: Finding Love and Inner Peace

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: בים של ים המלח, מקום שקט ומרגיע, להורה התארחה לסוף שבוע של שלום פנימי. En: By the shores of the Dead Sea, a quiet and soothing place, Lehora retreated for a weekend of inner peace. He: היא עיתונאית – תמיד מוקפת בחדשות. En: She is a journalist—always…

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Conquering Fear: Lotte’s Inspiring Journey in the Bavarian Alps

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Lotte stand am Anfang des Wanderwegs und atmete tief ein. En: Lotte stood at the beginning of the hiking trail and took a deep breath. De: Der Sommer in den Bayerischen Alpen war wunderschön. En: Summer in the Bavarian Alps was beautiful. De: Die Wiesen waren grün…

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Lost in Morocco: A School Trip to the Desert Oasis

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Sveden drypper fra Kaspers pande, mens solen brænder ned fra himlen. En: Sweat drips from Kasper’s forehead as the sun blazes down from the sky. Da: Mette går ved hans side og knipser billeder med sit kamera. En: Mette walks by his side, snapping pictures with her…

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Lost and Found: Eirik’s Harrowing Journey in Norwegian Wilderness

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Eirik elsket fjellturer. En: Eirik loved hiking. Nb: Han likte spesielt de norske skogene. En: He especially enjoyed the Norwegian forests. Nb: De grønne trærne, de klare elvene og de syngende fuglene ga ham ro. En: The green trees, the clear rivers, and the singing birds gave…

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Survival and Wisdom: Suhyun’s Gritty Gobi Desert Journey

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 끝없이 펼쳐진 모래 바다 속에서 수현은 걷고 있었다. En: In the endlessly sprawling sea of sand, Suhyun was walking. Ko: 고비사막의 여름, 그 무시무시한 더위는 그의 피부를 태우고 있었다. En: The summer of the Gobi Desert, with its terrifying heat, was scorching his skin. Ko: 햇빛은 마치…

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Unbreakable Bonds: A Summer Adventure at Kvitfjell Ski Resort

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Kvitfjell Ski Resort var et vakkert sted om sommeren. En: Kvitfjell Ski Resort was a beautiful place in the summer. Nb: Gresskledde bakker, stier gjennom høye furuskoger og klare bekker dannet en idyllisk bakgrunn for eventyret til de tre søsknene. En: Grass-covered slopes, trails through tall pine…

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Harmony in Vilnius: A Soul-Stirring Tale of Music and Reunion

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Vilniaus senamiestis švytėjo ryškia vasaros saule. En: The Old Town of Vilnius glowed in the bright summer sun. Lt: Gatvių muzikos ir meno festivalis siautėjo. En: The Street Music and Art Festival was in full swing. Lt: Žmonių klegesys ir muzika skambėjo visur. En: The chatter of…

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The Rain that Brought Sunshine: A Cinque Terre Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: L’estate stava finendo, e la scuola superiore pubblica di Firenze aveva organizzato un viaggio di classe alle Cinque Terre. En: Summer was ending, and the public high school in Florence had organized a class trip to the Cinque Terre. It: Matteo, Alessia e Chiara erano pronti a…

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Unexpected Bond: A Delightful Journey Through Malioboro

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Malioboro sore itu ramai sekali. En: Malioboro was teeming with people that afternoon. Id: Suara musik jalanan dan penjual yang menjajakan barang-barang memenuhi udara. En: The sounds of street music and vendors peddling their goods filled the air. Id: Rahayu, mahasiswi yang sedang pulang kampung, berusaha menikmati…

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