Finding Peace: Aidan’s Bold Move in a Busy Dublin Café

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: I lár an tsamhraidh, sa chaifé gleoite The Freelancer’s Home i mBaile Átha Cliath, bhí Aidan O’Leary ag obair go dian. En: In the middle of summer, in the charming café The Freelancer’s Home in Dublin, Aidan O’Leary was working diligently. Ga: Bhí cruthúnais grafaicí le déanamh…

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Love Unfolds at Lake Bled: Klemen & Ana’s Serendipitous Meet

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Sončni žarki nežno pobožajo gladino Blejskega jezera. En: The sun’s rays gently caress the surface of Lake Bled. Sl: Voda je kristalno jasna in spokojna. En: The water is crystal clear and tranquil. Sl: Dani se poletje. En: Summer is dawning. Sl: Radi bi vas povabil na…

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Restoring Bonds: A Family’s Journey Through Warsaw’s History

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Gdy słońce świeciło jasno nad Warszawą, Piotr wracał po latach do miasta, które kiedyś nazywał domem. En: When the sun was shining brightly over Warsaw, Piotr returned to the city he once called home after many years. Pl: Ubrany w elegancki garnitur, szedł w kierunku Muzeum Powstania…

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Artistic Clashes and Creative Harmony: A Curator’s Tale

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Elza stāvēja pie muzeja lielajiem logiem, skatoties uz Rīgas ielām. En: Elza stood by the large windows of the museum, looking out at the streets of Riga. Lv: Bija vasara, un diena solījās būt karsta. En: It was summer, and the day promised to be hot. Lv:…

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Sibling Bond: A Day at Ateneum Amid Family Changes

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Aurinko paistoi kirkkaasti Helsingin keskustassa. En: The sun was shining brightly in downtown Helsinki. Fi: Aino ja Eero kävelivät rauhallisesti kohti Ateneumin taidemuseota. En: Aino and Eero were walking calmly towards the Ateneum Art Museum. Fi: Aino oli pukeutunut vaaleaan kesämekkoon, ja Eero piti kädessään värikästä lippalakkiaan.…

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Finding Passion and Inspiration in the Bucharest Art Museum

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Ploua ușor în București într-o zi caldă de vară. En: It was lightly raining in Bucharest on a warm summer day. Ro: Muzeul de Artă era un refugiu perfect pentru cei care căutau adăpost și inspirație. En: The Art Museum was a perfect refuge for those seeking…

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A Summer’s Inspiration: Živa’s Artistic Journey in Ljubljana

Fluent Fiction – Slovenian Story Transcript: Sl: Svetli poletni popoldan je sijal nad Ljubljano. En: A bright summer afternoon beamed over Ljubljana. Sl: Živa, Miha in Anže so se sprehajali po Mestnem trgu, veseli, da so lahko obiskali Narodno galerijo Slovenije. En: Živa, Miha, and Anže were strolling through Mestni trg, delighted to visit…

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Finding Love and Inspiration at Dublin’s National Gallery

Fluent Fiction – Irish Story Transcript: Ga: Lá álainn, bhí an ghaoth bhog ag séideadh tríd sráideanna Bhaile Átha Cliath. En: A beautiful day, the soft wind was blowing through the streets of Dublin. Ga: Bhí Eoin ina sheasamh os comhair Gailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann. En: Eoin was standing in front of the National…

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Heroic Encounter at the Istanbul Museum: A Life-Saving Moment

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: İstanbul Modern Sanat Müzesi’nde yaz günüydü. Müze, geniş cam pencereleri sayesinde güneş ışığıyla doluydu. En: On a summer day at the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, the museum was bathed in sunlight thanks to its large glass windows. Tr: Boğaz’ın ışıldayan manzarası müzeye ayrı bir güzellik katıyordu.…

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Art, Asthma, and Unexpected Alliances: A Museum Tale

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Im Sommerlicht reflektieren farbenfrohe Gemälde und moderne Skulpturen auf den glänzenden Holzböden des großen, hallenden Kunstmuseums. En: In the summer light, vibrant paintings and modern sculptures reflect off the shiny wooden floors of the large, echoing art museum. De: Die Wände sind voller Kunstwerke, und der Raum…

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