Perfect Gift Hunt: A Heartwarming Journey in Cardiff Market

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Ar fore haf braf yng Nghanolfan Marchnad Caerdydd, roedd Rhys yn troedio rhwng ystafelloedd lluosog y farchnad fywiog. En: In the lively atmosphere of Cardiff Market, Rhys wandered between the various rooms of the bustling market. Cy: Roedd yr aroglau melys o fara ffres a chacennau melys…

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Stranded Souls: A Journey of Rediscovery in Belgrade

Fluent Fiction – Serbian Story Transcript: Sr: Тог топлог летњег јутра, аутобус кретао је кроз питомину београдског села. En: That warm summer morning, the bus was traveling through the peaceful landscapes of a Belgrade village. Sr: иза прозора су се смењивале поља, брда и сунцокрети, стварајући савршен пламен боја. En: Fields, hills, and sunflowers…

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Rekindled Sparks: A Rain-Soaked Reunion Under Howrah Bridge

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: Howrah Bridge के नीचे, हुगली नदी के ऊपर, बारिश हो रही थी। En: Under the Howrah Bridge, over the Hooghly River, it was raining. Hi: आकाश काले बादलों से भर गया था, और बारिश की बूंदें लोहे के पुल पर जोर की आवाज़ कर रही थीं। En:…

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The Hidden Treasure of Riga: An Antique Market Mystery

Fluent Fiction – Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Saulainā vasaras dienā Rīgas Centrāltirgū valdīja rosība. En: On a sunny summer day, Riga Central Market bustled with activity. Lv: Cilvēki staigāja gar stendiem, meklējot dārzeņus, zivis, un īpatnējas rotas. En: People strolled past stalls, looking for vegetables, fish, and unique jewelry. Lv: Elvīra, jauna sieviete ar…

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Deadlines & Dreams: Amira’s Balancing Act in a Cozy Café

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di tengah gemerlap lampu kecil dan aroma kopi yang harum, Café Freelancer di Yogyakarta menjadi tempat favorit banyak mahasiswa. En: Amidst the twinkling small lights and the fragrant aroma of coffee, Café Freelancer in Yogyakarta has become a favorite spot for many students. Id: Amira sering datang…

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Creative Journeys: Finding Inspiration on the Kyiv-Odesa Train

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Літній ранок. En: A summer morning. Uk: Сонце світить крізь великі вікна старого поїзда, його ритмічний стук на коліях створює заспокійливу атмосферу. En: The sun shines through the large windows of the old train, its rhythmic clatter on the tracks creating a calming atmosphere. Uk: Оксана сидить…

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Finding Inspiration and Love: A Journey Through Plitvice Lakes

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Luka je hodao stazom Plitvičkih jezera, duboko razmišljao. En: Luka was walking along the trails of Plitvice Lakes, deep in thought. Hr: Njegova kamera visjela je o vratu, ali srce mu nije bilo u tome. En: His camera hung around his neck, but his heart wasn’t in…

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From Conflict to Creation: The Unstoppable Trio of Athens

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Ο ήλιος ανέτειλε λαμπερός πάνω από την Αθήνα και τα καλοκαιρινά θερμοκρασίες έφταναν στο αποκορύφωμά τους. En: The sun rose brightly over Athens, and the summer temperatures were reaching their peak. El: Στο “Freelancer’s Home,” ένα μικρό καφέ κοντά στην Ακρόπολη, τρεις φοιτητές είχαν μαζευτεί σε μια…

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Choosing Love Over Work: A Midsummer’s Eve Transformation

Fluent Fiction – Lithuanian Story Transcript: Lt: Kuršių nerija, vasara, Joninės – ypatingas laikas Jurgio šeimai. En: The Curonian Spit, summer, Midsummer’s Eve—a special time for Jurgis’s family. Lt: Toks grožis: smėlio kopos, pušų miškai, jūros ošimas. En: Such beauty: sand dunes, pine forests, the sound of the sea. Lt: Bet šeimoje – tyla.…

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Missing Statue Mystery: Secrets of Geirangerfjord

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian Story Transcript: Nb: Lyden av glade stemmer og latter fylte luften mens solen steg opp over Geirangerfjorden. En: The sound of joyous voices and laughter filled the air as the sun rose over the Geirangerfjord. Nb: Det var midsommerfestival, og bygda var pyntet med fargede vimpler og blomsterkranser. En: It…

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