The Hidden Message: Finding Connections in a Co-working Space

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 서울의 햇빛이 가득한 날, 프리랜서의 집(Freelancer’s Home)에는 조용한 흥분이 감돌고 있었다. En: On a sunny day in Seoul, a quiet excitement filled Freelancer’s Home. Ko: 소진은 그녀의 마음이 안정되는 곳인 이 코워킹 스페이스를 사랑했다. En: Sojin loved this co-working space where she found her peace of mind.…

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Love and Surprise: A Summer Evening by the Bosphorus

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Büyüleyici Yaz akşamında Emir, Zeynep ve Arda, Boğaz’a bakan bir kafede buluştular. En: On a captivating summer evening, Emir, Zeynep, and Arda met at a cafe overlooking the Bosphorus. Tr: Kafe, renkli şemsiyelerle süslenmişti ve taze kahvenin kokusu etrafa yayılıyordu. En: The cafe was adorned with colorful…

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Claire’s Leap: Freelancing vs. Big Agencies

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Le Freelancer’s Café à Marseille est vivant en été. En: The Freelancer’s Café in Marseille is vibrant in the summer. Fr: Une lumière dorée traverse les grandes fenêtres, illuminant les visages concentrés sur leurs écrans d’ordinateur. En: Golden light streams through the large windows, illuminating faces focused…

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Fear to Flawless: Transforming Photography Dreams at Old Café

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Es war ein heißer Sommertag, und ich fühlte mich nervös. En: It was a hot summer day, and I felt nervous. De: Sebastian, mein Freund, arbeitete im “Alten Café” in der Nähe meines Hauses. En: Sebastian, my friend, worked at the “Old Café” near my house. De:…

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Yahal’s Turning Point: A Battle Against Fear and Self-Doubt

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: יהל ישבה בבתי קפה המקומי שלה בדרום תל אביב. En: Yahal sat in her favorite local café in southern Tel Aviv. He: המקום האהוב עליה, מול החוף המשופע בחול הזהוב. En: The place she loved, facing the beach with its golden sand. He: הקיץ היה בעיצומו, והשמש…

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Breaking the Ice: Freelance Connections in Cape Town’s Winter

Fluent Fiction – Afrikaans Story Transcript: Af: In die gesellige stad Kaapstad, was die winter in volle swang. En: In the sociable city of Cape Town, winter was in full swing. Af: Die koue wind buite was fel, maar binne in die moderne mede-werkspasie was dit warm en vriendelik. En: The cold wind outside…

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Freelance Feats to Festival Nights: Haruki & Aiko’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の朝、フリーランサーの家は忙しい場所だった。 En: On a summer morning, the freelancer’s house was a bustling place. Ja: 自然な光が部屋を照らし、クリエイティブなエネルギーがあふれていた。 En: Natural light filled the room, and creative energy abounded. Ja: ハルキとアイコはそこで期末プロジェクトの準備をしていた。 En: Haruki and Aiko were there preparing for their final project. Ja: ハルキはコンピューターの前でコーディングをしていた。 En: Haruki was coding in front of…

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Freelancing on Rainy Days: A Tale of Collaboration & Friendship

Fluent Fiction – Thai Story Transcript: Th: คาเฟ่ฟรีแลนซ์ที่กรุงเทพฯ เป็นสถานที่ยอดนิยมของนักทำงานอิสระในฤดูฝน En: The freelance café in Bangkok is a popular spot for freelancers during the rainy season. Th: ณ ที่นี่มีหน้าต่างบานใหญ่ที่ให้แสงสลัวจากฝนที่ตกเบาๆ ส่องเข้ามา En: It features large windows that let in the soft light from the light rain outside. Th: บรรยากาศเต็มไปด้วยความเงียบสงบและกลิ่นหอมของกาแฟ En: The atmosphere is filled with tranquility…

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From Latte to Legacy: The Hidden Treasure of Floriańska Café

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W cichej kawiarni na rogu ul. Floriańskiej, słońce wpadało przez duże okna, rozświetlając drewniane stoły i wygodne fotele. En: In a quiet café on the corner of Floriańska Street, sunlight poured through the large windows, illuminating the wooden tables and comfortable armchairs. Pl: Na półkach stały książki,…

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How Midsummer Magic Turned a Group Project into a Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Kun kesäaurinko paistoi kirkkaasti Freelancer’s Homen suurista ikkunoista, Jonna, Rasmus ja Aino istuivat modernin ja valoisan työtilan keskellä. En: When the summer sun shone brightly through the large windows of Freelancer’s Home, Jonna, Rasmus, and Aino sat in the middle of the modern and luminous workspace. Fi:…

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