Balancing Acts: Friendship and Deadlines in Tallinn

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: On soe suvepäev Tallinnas. En: It is a summer day in Tallinn. Et: Tiina ja Piret töötavad koos Freelancer’s Home’is. En: Tiina and Piret are working together at Freelancer’s Home. Et: Kontor on hubane. En: The office is cozy. Et: Seal on kaasaegsed lauad, ergonoomilised toolid ja…

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Rekindled Connections: A Chance Encounter at Bucharest’s Market

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Dimineața era caldă și soarele strălucea peste orașul București. En: The morning was warm and the sun shone over the city of Bucharest. Ro: Alexandru, un freelancer grafic în jur de treizeci de ani, își termina micul dejun în bucătăria sa mică dar luminată. En: Alexandru, a…

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Heartbeats on Charles Bridge: A Freelancer’s Wake-Up Call

Fluent Fiction – Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Václav kráčel po Karlově mostě. En: Václav walked across Charles Bridge. Cs: Bylo léto, slunce zářilo a turisté si fotili sochy. En: It was summer, the sun was shining, and tourists were taking pictures of the statues. Cs: V hlavě měl důležitou schůzku. En: He had an…

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Mystery in Nyhavn: Freja and Kasper’s Missing Tourist Hunt

Fluent Fiction – Danish Story Transcript: Da: Freja stod ved kanten af Nyhavn og kiggede ud over vandet. En: Freja stood at the edge of Nyhavn and looked out over the water. Da: Solen skinnede klart på de farverige huse. En: The sun shone brightly on the colorful houses. Da: Folk gik frem og…

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Secrets Unveiled: Rediscovery at Freelancer’s Home Café

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Linh ngồi ở bàn góc của Freelancer’s Home Café. En: Linh sat at the corner table of Freelancer’s Home Café. Vi: Quán cà phê thật ấm cúng. En: The café was truly cozy. Vi: Ánh sáng mờ từ đèn treo, bàn ghế gỗ và những đồ trang…

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Finding Balance: A Tale of Friendship and Exam Stress Relief

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 盛夏的一个午后,阳光透过咖啡馆的大窗洒进来,温暖了房间的每一个角落。 En: One midsummer afternoon, sunlight streamed through the large windows of the café, warming every corner of the room. Zh: 自由人咖啡馆是名和美最喜欢的地方,这里不仅安静,还有免费的Wi-Fi。 En: The Free Spirit Café was the favorite spot for Ming and Mei, not only because it was quiet, but also because it…

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A Summer Triumph: Jakub’s Journey to Confidence in Bratislava

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: Letné slnko pretekalo cez okná a osvetľovalo kaviareň Freelancer’s Home v Bratislave. En: The summer sun streamed through the windows, illuminating the Freelancer’s Home café in Bratislava. Sk: Kaviareň bola naplnená študentmi. En: The café was filled with students. Sk: Vzduch hučal vzrušením. En: The air buzzed…

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Love, Spills, and Miracles at The Freelancer’s Café

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: El sol brillaba fuerte en el Freelancer’s Café. En: The sun shone brightly at the Freelancer’s Café. Es: Dentro, el aire era fresco, lleno de aromas a café recién hecho. En: Inside, the air was cool, filled with the aromas of freshly brewed coffee. Es: Gabriel estaba…

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Culinary Creativity: How a Chef and Florist Reinvented a Dish

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: De zon scheen fel boven de Albert Cuyp Markt. En: The sun shone brightly over the Albert Cuyp Market. Nl: Mensen liepen druk langs de kramen, het was zomer en iedereen wilde verse producten kopen. En: People bustled past the stalls; it was summer, and everyone wanted…

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Sparks in Sant Antoni: A Summer Market Encounter

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: Un matí d’estiu, el sol brilla intensament al Mercat de Sant Antoni. En: One summer morning, the sun shines brightly at the Sant Antoni Market. Ca: Els colors dels estands criden l’atenció amb fruites fresques, pa acabat de forn, i llibres vells amb pàgines groguenques. En: The…

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