A Day at the Druid Circle: The Unexpected Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Latvian www.FluentFiction.org/Latvian Story Transcript: Lv: Vasaras diena bija siltā un saulainā. En: The summer day was warm and sunny. Lv: Daba ziedēja. En: Nature was in full bloom. Lv: Raimonds un Ilze stāvēja pie sensenā druīdu apļa. En: Raimonds and Ilze stood by the ancient druid circle. Lv: Raimonds bija vēstures entuziasts,…

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Unexpected Chariot Adrenaline: A Modern Woman’s Roman Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Catalan www.FluentFiction.org/Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: El sol estiuenc es reflectia en les pedres blanques del Fòrum Romà, inundant amb llum cada cantonada del mercat bulliciós. En: The summer sun reflected off the white stones of the Roman Forum, flooding every corner of the bustling market with light. Ca: Ariadna es movia amb…

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The Scholar’s Fumble: Václav’s Serendipitous Path to Wisdom

Fluent Fiction – Czech www.FluentFiction.org/Czech Story Transcript: Cs: Sluneční paprsky pronikaly vysokými okny do chladné, tlumené síně starověké knihovny v Alexandrii. En: The sun’s rays penetrated the tall windows into the chilly, subdued hall of the ancient library in Alexandria. Cs: Všude kolem Václava se tyčily regály naplněné svitky. En: Shelves filled with scrolls towered…

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Temple of Shadows: A Philosopher’s Quest for Hidden Wisdom

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Story Transcript: El: Ο καλοκαιρινός ήλιος έλουζε τον αρχαίο ναό στους πρόποδες του Παρνασσού. En: The summer sun bathed the ancient temple at the foot of Mount Parnassus. El: Εκεί καθόταν ο Εραστός, ένας περίεργος και σκεπτικιστής φιλόσοφος. En: There sat Erastos, a curious and skeptical philosopher. El: Έψαχνε για…

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Ancient Secrets: A Thrilling Adventure in Greek Ruins

Fluent Fiction – Ukrainian www.FluentFiction.org/Ukrainian Story Transcript: Uk: Олена і Тарас стояли на краю старовинних грецьких руїн. En: Olena and Taras stood at the edge of the ancient Greek ruins. Uk: Сонце було вже низько, золоте світло проливалося на зруйновані мармурові колони. En: The sun was already low, and golden light spilled over the crumbling…

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From Fever to Insight: Gregory’s Journey in Ancient Athens

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian www.FluentFiction.org/Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: A nyári nap melegen sütött Athén városára. En: The summer sun was shining warmly on the city of Athens. Hu: A Parthenon fehéren csillogott a napfényben. En: The Parthenon gleamed white in the sunlight. Hu: Ott állt Gergely, a történelemtudós, aki imádta az ókori civilizációkat. En: Gregory,…

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Athenian Agora: Budget Adventures in Discovery and Balance

Fluent Fiction – Finnish www.FluentFiction.org/Finnish Story Transcript: Fi: Aurinko paistoi kuumana Ateenan Agoralla. En: The sun shone hotly over the Athenian Agora. Fi: Eero ja Leena kävelivät vilkkaiden kojujen välissä. En: Eero and Leena walked among the busy stalls. Fi: Heillä oli eri päämäärät mielessä. En: They had different goals in mind. Fi: Eero oli…

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Two Hearts and a Village: Finding Home in Fjordheim

Fluent Fiction – Danish www.FluentFiction.org/Danish Story Transcript: Da: Solen stod højt på himlen i landsbyen Fjordheim. En: The sun stood high in the sky over the village of Fjordheim. Da: Det var sommer, og markerne var grønne. En: It was summer, and the fields were green. Da: Freja bøjede sig over dilden, som hun var…

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The Historian’s Quest: Oskar’s Ancient Greek Discovery

Fluent Fiction – Swedish www.FluentFiction.org/Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: I den varma sommarvinden stod Oskar vid ruinerna av ett gammalt tempel i forntida Grekland. En: In the warm summer wind, Oskar stood by the ruins of an old temple in ancient Greece. Sv: Han kunde känna solen värma hans nacke medan han såg på de krumma…

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A Healer’s Odyssey: Hồng’s Quest to Save Her Loved One

Fluent Fiction – Vietnamese www.FluentFiction.org/Vietnamese Story Transcript: Vi: Khi cái nắng mùa hè làm rực sáng thành phố cổ Huế, bên dòng Hương Giang, Hồng lo lắng trong căn nhà nhỏ của mình. En: As the summer sun illuminated the ancient city of Huế, beside the Perfume River, Hồng was worried in her small house.…

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