Ancient Thracian Secrets: A Life-Saving Quest Amid Ruins

Fluent Fiction – Bulgarian Story Transcript: Bg: Лъчите на лятното слънце пробиваха през листата на дърветата, осветявайки древните тракийски руини. En: The rays of the summer sun pierced through the leaves of the trees, illuminating the ancient Thracian ruins. Bg: Симеон, професор по история, беше на колене, изследвайки каменните останки. En: Simeon, a history…

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Secrets of the Roman Ruins: Unearthing a Friend’s Legacy

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Onder een brandende zomerse zon wandelden Lodewijk en Jasmijn hand in hand door de oude ruïnes van een Romeinse stad. En: Under a blazing summer sun, Louis and Jasmine walked hand in hand through the ancient ruins of a Roman city. Nl: De brokstukken van marmeren zuilen…

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Unraveling Troy: Wojtek’s Discovery of Homer’s Manuscript

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Słońce prażyło nad ruinami starożytnej Troi, gdy Wojtek kroczył wśród kamieni i resztek murów. En: The sun scorched over the ruins of ancient Troy as Wojtek walked among the stones and remnants of walls. Pl: Był doświadczonym archeologiem, którego marzenie było jedno – odkryć skarb ukryty pod…

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Midsummer Triumph: Courage and Wisdom Unite in Haanja Heights

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Kohas, kus Haanja kõrgustik kohtus taeva ja maaga, kogunesid külaelanikud suvise pööripäeva festivaliks. En: In the place where the Haanja Heights met the sky and ground, the villagers gathered for the summer solstice festival. Et: Päike paistis kõrgel ja tammed pakkusid varju festivalile. En: The sun shone…

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Mayan Secrets: A Jungle Discovery That Could Rewrite History

Fluent Fiction – Spanish Story Transcript: Es: En el corazón de la selva del Yucatán, entre ruinas mayas antiguas y sonidos de animales exóticos, Lucía y Tomás se movían con cuidado. En: In the heart of the Yucatán jungle, amidst ancient Mayan ruins and the sounds of exotic animals, Lucía and Tomás moved carefully.…

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From Ruins to Dreams: A Journey of Love and New Beginnings

Fluent Fiction – Italian Story Transcript: It: Lorenzo camminava lentamente tra le antiche rovine di Roma sotto il sole cocente d’estate. En: Lorenzo walked slowly through the ancient ruins of Rome under the scorching summer sun. It: Gli occhi osservavano la grande bellezza del Colosseo, ma il cuore cercava qualcosa di più. En: His…

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Uncovering Secrets: A Restorer’s Journey in the Roman Heat

Fluent Fiction – German Story Transcript: De: Die Sonne brennt über der alten römischen Villa. En: The sun blazes over the old Roman villa. De: Klara wischt sich den Schweiß von der Stirn. En: Klara wipes the sweat from her forehead. De: Sie schaut auf die verblassten Fresken an der Wand vor ihr. En:…

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Elif’s Journey: Uncovering Family Secrets in Ephesus

Fluent Fiction – Turkish Story Transcript: Tr: Güneş, Efes antik kenti üzerinde altın rengi ışıklarla parlıyordu. En: The sun shone with golden rays over the ancient city of Ephesus. Tr: Elif, yirmi yaşlarının sonlarında, genç ve tutkulu bir tarihçiydi. En: Elif, in her late twenties, was a young and passionate historian. Tr: Ailesinin geçmişini…

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Discovering Friendship: Finding Laughter in Carthage’s Ruins

Fluent Fiction – Hindi Story Transcript: Hi: गर्मियों की धूप अपने पूरे शबाब पर थी। En: The summer sun was at its peak. Hi: प्राचीन कार्थेज की रेत के टीले ढेर सारा इतिहास छुपाए हुए थे। En: The sand dunes of ancient Carthage concealed a vast history. Hi: इसी बीच, अरुण – एक उत्साही…

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Discovering the Lost Celtic Scroll: An Adventure Unfolds

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Yn ngogledd Cymru, yng nghanol bryniau gwyrdd, roedd adfeilion hen gaer Geltaidd. En: In north Wales, amidst the green hills, there were ruins of an old Celtic fort. Cy: Roedd y cerrig wedi’u gorchuddio gan mwsogl ac roedd carvings hynafol yn dangos y cyfnod. En: The stones…

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